Yawn, Lila. 2021. “Novità Paleografiche sul Messale d’Acri (Perugia, Archivio Capitolare, Ms. 6), Pietra di Paragone Storiografica dell’arte Crociata del Duecento.” In Gli Ordini di Terrasanta: Questioni Aperte, Nuove Acquisizioni (Secoli XII-XVI), edited by Arnaud Baudin, Sonia Merli, and Mirko Santanicchia, 179–210. Perugia: Fabrizio Fabbri.
Carpegna Falconeri, Tommaso di, Lila Yawn, and Pierre Savy. 2021. Middle Ages without borders: a conversation on medievalism = Medioevo senza frontiere : una convesazione sul medievalismo = Moyen Âge sans frontières : une conversation sur le médiévalisme. Collection de l’École française de Rome 586. Roma: École Française de Rome.
Yawn, Lila. 2020. “Assisi in Festa Nell’Ottocento.” In Alle radici della modernità: progetti di riforma, dinamiche sociali e valorizzazione dei patrimoni culturali (secoli XVIII-XIX) a cura di Chiara Coletti, Stefania Petrillo, Alessandro Serra, 525-51. Napoli: Guida Editore.
Yawn, Lila. 2019a. “Il Calendimaggio di Assisi e la sua città. Piccolo vademecum per curiosi principianti (2015).” In Atti Accademia Properziana Del Subasio, 1:191–215. IX.
Yawn, Lila. 2019b. “The Italian Giant Bibles and the Codex Amiatinus.” In All Roads Lead to Rome: The Creation, Context and Transmission of the Codex Amiatinus, edited by Jane Hawkes and Meg Boulton, 143–55. Studia Traditionis Theologiae: Explorations in Early and Medieval Theology 31. Turnhout: Brepols.
Yawn, Lila. 2018. “Il Vigile del fuoco di San Lorenzo in Triumphs & Laments di William Kentridge (2016).” In Passione San Lorenzo: artisti a Roma : pittori, scultori, architetti, creativi, edited by Rosella De Salvia and Rolando Galluzzi. Segreti e tesori di Roma. Roma: Ponte Sisto.
Yawn, Lila. 2017. "A Tale of Two Asymmetries: 'Medieval' and 'Renaissance' in Amercian Art-Historical Study in Italy." In A Tale of Two Cities: Florence and Rome from the Grand Tour to Study Abroad, edited by Portia Prebys and Fabrizio Ricciarelli. Ferrara: Edisai.
Yawn, Lila, and Tommaso di Carpegna Falconieri. 2017. “Forging ‘Medieval’ Identities in Twentieth-Century Italy: Fortini’s Calendimaggio and Pasolini’s Trilogy of Life.” In The Middle Ages in the Modern World: Twenty-First-Century Perspectives, edited by Bettina Bildhauer and Chris Jones. Oxford: Oxford University Press/The British Academy.
Yawn, Lila. 2016a. “The Bright Side of the Knife : Dismemberment in Medieval Europe and the Modern Imagination.” In Wounds in the Middle Ages, edited by Anne Kirkham and Cordelia Warr, 215–46. London: Routledge.
Yawn, Lila. 2016b. “Culiseo: The Roman Colosseum in Early Modern Jest.” California Italian Studies Journal 6 (1). http://escholarship.org/uc/item/40s8d6sq.
Yawn, Lila. 2015a. “Fast and Slow Books and Finisher Scribes: Discerning Patterns of Scribal Work in Italian Giant Bibles and Moralia Manuscripts.” In Scriptorium: Wesen, Funktion, Eigenheiten: Comité international de paleographie latine, XVIII. Kolloquium, St. Gallen 11.-14. September 2013, edited by Andreas Nievergelt, Rudolf Gamper, Marina Bernasconi Reusser, Birgit Ebersperger, and Ernst Tremp, 489–518. München: Bayerische Akademie der Wissenschaften.
Yawn, Lila. 2015b. “Scribe-Painters and Clustered Commissions: Eleventh-Century Italian Giant Bibles and the Bamberg Moralia in Iob.” In Comment le Livre s’est fait livre: La fabrication des manuscrits bibliques (IVe-XVe siècle): bilan, résultats, perspectives de recherche. Actes du colloque international organisé à l’Université de Namur du 23 au 25 mai 2012, edited by Chiara Ruzzier and Xavier Hermand, 87–109. Turnhout: Brepols.
Yawn, Lila. 2014. “The Bright Side of the Knife: Dismemberment in Medieval Europe and the Modern Imagination.” In Wounds in the Middle Ages, edited by Anne Kirkham and Cordelia Warr, 215–246. Farnham: Ashgate.
Yawn, Lila. 2013a. “Fields of Dreams: Sacred Visions in Mosaic on Medieval Roman Portals and Church Façades.” In Riflessi di politica papale verso i Saraceni al tempo di Innocenzo III: Evoluzione di colori e significati, edited by Giulio Cipollone, 169–192. Vatican City: Archivio Segreto Vaticano.
Yawn, Lila. 2013b. “Haste, Cost, and Scribes as Painters in Italian Giant Church Books of the Mid and Late Eleventh Century.” Rivista di Storia della Miniatura 17:43–58.
Yawn, Lila. 2013c. “Public Access, Action, and Display in Rome of the Later Anni Mille.” In Perspectives on Public Space in Rome, from Antiquity to the Present Day, edited by Gregory Smith and Jane Gadeyne, 85–105. Farnham: Ashgate.
Yawn, Lila. 2012. “Clement’s New Clothes: The Destruction of Old S. Clemente in Rome, the Eleventh-Century Frescoes, and the Cult of (Anti)Pope Clement III.” In "Framing Clement III, (Anti)Pope, 1080-1100," ed. Lila Yawn and Umberto Longo, special issue, Reti Medievali Rivista 13 (1): 175–208.
Yawn, Lila, and Umberto Longo, eds. 2012. “Framing Clement III, (Anti)Pope, 1080-1100.” Special issue, Reti Medievali Rivista 13 (1).
Torp, Hjalmar. 2011. Il tempietto longobardo: La cappella palatina di Cividale. Edited by Valentino Pace. Translated by Lila Yawn. Cividale del Friuli: Comune di Cividale del Friuli.
Yawn, Lila. 2011. “The Italian Giant Bibles.” In The Practice of the Bible in the Middle Ages: Production, Reception and Performance in Western Christianity, edited by Susan Boynton and Diane J. Reilly, 127–156. New York: Columbia University Press.
Yawn, Lila. 2010. “The Italian Giant Bibles, Lay Patronage, and Professional Workmanship (11th-12th Centuries).” Cahiers Electroniques d’Histoire Textuelle du LAMOP 3:161–255.
Yawn, Lila. 2004. “The Illustrated Giant Bible of Perugia (Biblioteca Augusta, MS. L. 59): A Manuscript and Its Creators in Eleventh-Century Central Italy.” PhD diss., University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
Yawn, Lila. 2000a. “Letter from Athens.” SOF News (American Academy in Rome Society of Fellows Newsletter), 19.
Yawn, Lila. 2000b. “Perugia (Biblioteca Augusta, Ms. L. 59).” In Le Bibbie atlantiche: Il libro delle Scritture tra monumentalità e rappresentazione, edited by Marilena Maniaci and Giulia Orofino, 170–173. Milano: Centro Tibaldi.
Yawn, Lila. 2000c. “Update from Assisi.” International Center for Medieval Art Newsletter.
Yawn, Lila. 1997. “Reports from the Field: Earthquakes in Central Italy.” International Center for Medieval Art Newsletter.
Yawn, Lila. 1991. “Medieval Women Artists and Modern Historians.” Medieval Feminist Newsletter 12:10–19.
Yawn, Lila. 1990. “A Case of Careful Tailoring: Costume and Meaning in Coppo di Marcovaldo’s Madonna del Bordone.” Master’s thesis, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.