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Pagliarulo, Diego. 2022. “Trade Wars Are Class Wars: How Rising Inequality Distorts the Global Economy and Threatens International Peace.” The Journal of European Economic History 51 (1): 233–38.
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Pagliarulo, Diego. 2019. “Sovranità e globalizzazione. L’Europa Mediterranea e le sfide dell’eurocrisi.” Rivista di Studi Politici 31 (1): 51–85.
Pagliarulo, Diego. 2018. “Testing Ground for World Power. The Persian Gulf and America’s Quest for a Post-Cold War Strategy, 1989-2016.” In Case Studies in International Security From the Cold War to the Crisis of the New International Order, edited by Luca Ratti and Paolo Wulzer, 415–42. Bern: Peter Lang.
Pagliarulo, Diego. 2017a. “Il Mondo dopo Obama: Donald Trump e la politica estera.” In La Dottrina Obama. La Politica estera americana dalla crisi economica alla presidenza Trump, edited by Paolo Wulzer, 361–89. L’Aquila: Textus.
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Pagliarulo, Diego. 2016. “Smart Geopolitics, Dangerous Ideas: Energy security, Ideology, and the Challenges of American Policy in the Persian Gulf.” European journal of American studies 11 (2).
Pagliarulo, Diego. 2013. “‘A Big Idea.’ Continuity and Change In American Grand Strategy Between the Cold War Endgame and the ‘New World Order’ (1989-1992).” Processi Storici e Politiche di Pace 13-14/2013: 47–65.
Pagliarulo, Diego. 2012. “Dal Golfo all’Iraq: Il conflitto fra gli Stati Uniti e il regime di Saddam Hussein nell’analisi di studiosi, politici e giornalisti.” Mondo Contemporaneo, no. 2012/1: 133–58.