Antomarini, Brunella. 2024.a The Acoustic Prehistory of Poetry: Toward and Anthropological Study of the Poetic Phenomenon. Translated by Derek Gromadzki. Poetry and Poetics Series 7.
Antomarini, Brunella. 2024b. “Translating Rationalism: Leibniz and Cybernetics.” In Cybernetics for the 21st Century. Vol I: Epistemological Reconstruction, edited by Yuk Hui, 23–42. Hanart Press.
Antomarini, Brunella. 2023a. “Deforming the Reform.” In Reflections. The Architecture of Silence, edited by C. L. White, 67–71. Roma: Contrasto.
Antomarini, Brunella. 2023b. “È Ora.” In Di acqua e di tempo, edited by Costanza Ferrini, 20–25. San Marino: AIEP Editore.
Antomarini, Brunella. 2023c. “Leibniz’s Teleology, or a Pre-History of Cybernetics.” In Humanism and Beyond: Past, Present, and Future of the Humanities in Liberal Arts Education, edited by Fabrizio Conti and Stefan Lorenz Sorgner, 79–104. Budapest: Trivent.
Antomarini, Brunella. 2023d. “Orbite Instabili.” In Continuo, edited by Alessandro De Francesco, 30–40. Pisa: Diaforia edizioni.
Antomarini, Brunella. 2022a. “Ripartire da una teleologia cibernetica.” In Pensare la contingenza. La filosofia dopo la cibernetica. Roma: Castelvecchi.
Antomarini, Brunella. 2022b. “La voce nascosta tra le lingue: un apprezzamento di Zong!” Testo a fronte : teoria e pratica della traduzione 66/67 (1/2): 87–92.
Antomarini, Brunella. 2022c. “The Xenobots as Thought-Experiment. Teleology Within the Paradigm of Natural Selection.” Studi di estetica, no. 23 (September).
Hui, Yuk. 2022. Pensare la contingenza: la rinascita della filosofia dopo la cibernetica. Translated by Brunella Antomarini. Castelvecchi.
Antomarini, Brunella. 2021a. “Alessandro di Francesco’s augmented writing.” In Out Now: Œ Case Files, edited by Simone Ferracina, 238–49.
Antomarini, Brunella. 2021b. “Contact in Absentia: Toward a Cybertouch.” In The Covid Spectrum Theoretical and Experiential Reflections from India and Beyond, edited by Kanchana Mahadevan, Satishchandra Kumar, and Meher Bhoot, 23–32. Speaking Tiger Books.
Antomarini, Brunella. 2021c. “Introduzione alla collana ‘Il gioco nella filosofia.’” Gamification Lab Magazine (blog). January 27, 2021.
Antomarini, Brunella, Berenice Cocciolillo, and Rosa Filardi, eds. 2021. InVerse 2021: Italian Poets in Translation. Rome: John Cabot University Press.
Antomarini, Brunella, Francesco Lutrario, and Daniela Movileanu. 2021. Gioco & filosofia. tab edizioni.
Antomarini, Brunella. 2020. Le macchine nubili. Le navi. Roma: Castelvecchi.
Antomarini, Brunella. 2019a. “I manuali aptici di Manuela Bertoli.” Trame 3: 264–65.
Antomarini, Brunella. 2019b. “Tecniche Del Lutto.” Bis. Scritture, no. 3.
Antomarini, Brunella, Adam Berg, Vladimir D’Amora, Alessandro De Francesco, and Miltos Manetas. 2019. Hephaestus Reloaded / Efesto Reloaded: Composed for 10 Hands / Composizione per 10 mani. Santa Barbara: Punctum Books.
Antomarini, Brunella, Berenice Cocciolillo, and Rosa Filardi, eds. 2018. InVerse 2018 : Italian Poets in Translation. Rome: John Cabot University Press.
Antomarini, Brunella. 2017a. “A Thing Which Is.” In Naufragio Del Singolare, 302–14. Modena: Galleria Mazzoli.
Antomarini, Brunella. 2017b. “Peirce and Cybernetics: Retroduction, Error and Autopoiesis in Future Thinking.” Cognitio. Revista de Filosofia 18 (2): 187–204.
Antomarini, Brunella. 2017c. “Una cosa che sia.” In Naufragio del singolare, 12–25. Modena: Galleria Mazzoli.
Antomarini, Brunella., George Oppen, and Paul Vangelisti. 2017. Naufragio del singolare. Modena: Galleria Mazzoli.
Antomarini, Brunella. 2016. “Dove abita una donna.” In Abitare, edited by Silvia Pedone and Marco Tedeschini, 9–19. Sensibilia 8. Milano: Mimesis.
Antomarini, Brunella. 2015a. “Collected in Silence: A Meditative Travelogue.” In In the Language of Barbarians, I Would Tell You Stories, edited by Richard Milazzo, 81-92. New York: Edgewise.
Antomarini, Brunella. 2015b. “L’errore, O del carattere fantastico del mondo.” In Errore, edited by Silvia Pedone and Marco Tedeschini, 25–42. Sensibilia 7. Milan: Mimesis.
Antomarini, Brunella. 2015c. “A Few New Animals.” In Nausikaa’s Isle: A Tribute to Paul Vangelisti, edited by Dennis Phillips, 45–47. Milan: Postmedia Books.
Antomarini, Brunella. 2015d. “Pensiero poesia scrittura in feedback loop.” Smerilliana 17: 275–290.
Antomarini, Brunella. 2015e. “A Travelogue.” In The Language of Barbarians.
Antomarini, Brunella, Berenice Cocciolillo, and Rosa Filardi. 2015a. “Introduction: Ten Years of Italian Poetry.” In InVerse 2014-2015: Italian Poets in Translation, edited by Brunella Antomarini, Berenice Cocciolillo, and Rosa Filardi, 5-6. Rome: John Cabot University Press.
Antomarini, Brunella, Berenice Cocciolillo, and Rosa Filardi, eds. 2015b. InVerse 2014-2015: Italian Poets in Translation. Rome: John Cabot University Press.
Antomarini, Brunella. 2013a. “Artifice, or a New Nature. Toward a Philosophy of the Automaton.” In Aesthetics in Present Future: The Arts and the Technological Horizon, edited by Brunella Antomarini and Adam Berg, 111–26. Lanham: Lexington Books.
Antomarini, Brunella. 2013b. "L'eolipila di Erone Alessandrino: L'intelligenza dimenticata dell'inventore." In Cose, edited by Manrica Rotili and Marco Tedeschini, 27-42. Sensibilia 6. Milan: Mimesis.
Antomarini, Brunella. 2013c. La preistoria acustica della poesia: Per uno studio antropologico della poesia. Torino: Aragno.
Antomarini, B., and Adam Berg, eds. 2013. Aesthetics in Present Future: The Arts and the Technological Horizon. Lanham: Lexington Books.
Antomarini, Brunella. 2012a. “Dogville, or the Arrogance of Grace: Notes on Cinema as Theatre.” In On Dogville, edited by Sara Fortuna and Laura Scuriatti, 38-50. New York: Wallflower.
Antomarini, Brunella. 2012b. “Misurare Il Dolore.” In Il Dolore, 11–26. Sensibilia. Mimesis.
Antomarini, Brunella. 2012c. “The Task of the Translator Today.” In InVerse 2012: Italian Poets in Translation, edited by Brunella Antomarini, Berenice Cocciolillo, and Rosa Filardi, 7–9. Rome: John Cabot University Press.
Antomarini, Brunella. 2012d. Thinking through Error: The Moving Target of Knowledge. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books.
Antomarini, Brunella, Berenice Cocciolillo, and Rosa Filardi. 2012a. “Introduction.” In InVerse 2012: Italian Poets in Translation, edited by Brunella Antomarini, Berenice Cocciolillo, and Rosa Filardi, 5–6. Rome: John Cabot University Press.
Antomarini, Brunella, Berenice Cocciolillo, and Rosa Filardi, eds. 2012b. InVerse 2012: Italian Poets in Translation. Rome: John Cabot University Press.
Antomarini, Brunella, and Alastair McEwen. 2012. The Maiden Machine: Philosophy in the Age of the Unborn Woman. New York: Edgewise Press.
Brock, Geoffrey. 2012. The FSG Book of Twentieth-Century Italian Poetry: An Anthology. Translated by Damiano Abeni, Moira Egan, and Brunella Antomarini. New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux.