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JCU Authors Bibliography

Anna Tuck-Scala

Publications from 2012 on

Tuck-Scala, Anna K. 2020. Review of The Neapolitan Lives and Careers of Netherlandish Immigrant Painters (1575-1655), by Marije Osnabrugge. BMGN-Low Countries Historical Review 135.

Tuck-Scala, Anna K. 2019. “Illusionistic Ceiling Frescoes in Baroque Churches in Rome.Patrimonio, 7: 72–79.

Tuck-Scala, Anna K. 2018. Review of Roman Charity: Queer Lactations in Early Modern Visual Culture, Jutta Gisela Sperling ... Bielefeld, Transcript Verlag, 2016. Renaissance Quarterly 71 (2): 681–82.

Tuck-Scala, Anna K. 2014. “Un dipinto di Andrea Vaccaro (e Massimo Stanzione?) ad Aversa.” Quaderni dell’Archivio Storico, no. 2011-2011, 307-314. 

Tuck-Scala, Anna K. 2012a. Andrea Vaccaro: Naples, 1604-1670: His Documented Life and Art. Napoli: Paparo.

Tuck-Scala, Anna K. 2012b. “Exhibition Review: I Borghese e l’antico. Rome, Galleria Borghese, 7 December 2011-9 April 2012.” European Architectural History Network (EAHN Newsletter), no. 2, 68-72.