Arnone, Stefano, Francesco Moauro, and Matteo Siccardi. Forthcoming. “A Modern Galileo Tale.” Physics Education.
Arnone, Stefano, Corrado Falcolini, Francesco Moauro, and Matteo Siccardi. 2016. “On Numbers in Different Bases: Symmetries and a Conjecture.” Experimental Mathematics, 1–13.
Arnone, Stefano, Corrado Falcolini, Francesco Moauro, and Matteo Siccardi, eds. 2015. “Mathematica Italia User Group Meeting 2015: Atti del Convegno. CD-ROM.” Arezzo: Adalta.
Arnone, Stefano, Gabriele Di Segni, Matteo Siccardi, and Kensuke Yoshida. 2007. “N=1* Model Superpotential Revisited (IR Behavior of N=4 LIMIT).” International Journal of Modern Physics A 22 (28): 5089–5115. doi:10.1142/S0217751X07037998.
Arnone, Stefano, Tim R. Morris, and Oliver J. Rosten. 2007a. “A Generalised Manifestly Gauge Invariant Exact Renormalisation Group for SU (N) Yang–Mills.” The European Physical Journal C 50 (2): 467–504.
Arnone, Stefano, Tim R. Morris, and Oliver J. Rosten. 2007b. “Manifestly Gauge Invariant Exact Renormalization Group.” Fields Institute Communications 50: 1–26.
Arnone, Stefano, Tim R. Morris, and Oliver J. Rosten. 2005. “Manifestly Gauge Invariant QED.” Journal of High Energy Physics 2005 (10): 115.
Arnone, Stefano, Antonio Gatti, Tim R. Morris, and Oliver J. Rosten. 2004. “Exact Scheme Independence at Two Loops.” Physical Review D 69 (6). doi:10.1103/PhysRevD.69.065009.
Arnone, Stefano, Francesco Guerrieri, and Kensuke Yoshida. 2004. “N= 1* Model and Glueball Superpotential from Renormalization-Group-Improved Perturbation Theory.” Journal of High Energy Physics 2004 (5).
Arnone, Stefano, and Kensuke Yoshida. 2004. “Application of Exact Renormalization Group Techniques to the Non-Perturbative Study of Supersymmetric Field Theory.” International Journal of Modern Physics B 18 (4/5): 469–78.
Rosten, Oliver J., Tim R. Morris, and Stefano Arnone. 2004. “The Gauge Invariant ERG.” In Proceeding of Quarks-2004.
Arnone, Stefano, Antonio Gatti, and Tim R. Morris. 2003. “A Proposal for a Manifestly Gauge Invariant and Universal Calculus in Yang-Mills Theory.” Physical Review D 67 (8). doi:10.1103/PhysRevD.67.085003.
Arnone, Stefano, Dario Francia, and Kensuke Yoshida. 2002. “Exact Renormalization Group Equation in the Presence of Rescaling Anomaly II.” Modern Physics Letters A 17 (18): 1191–1205.
Arnone, Stefano, Antonio Gatti, and Tim R. Morris. 2002a. “A Demonstration of One-Loop Scheme Independence in a Generalised Scalar Exact Renormalization Group.” Acta Physica Slovaca 52 (6): 615–620.
Arnone, Stefano, Antonio Gatti, and Tim R. Morris. 2002b. “Exact Scheme Independence at One Loop.” Journal of High Energy Physics 2002 (5): 59.
Arnone, Stefano, Antonio Gatti, and Tim R. Morris. 2002c. “Towards a Manifestly Gauge Invariant and Universal Calculus for Yang-Mills Theory.” Acta Physica Slovaca 52 (6): 621–634.
Arnone, Stefano, Yuri A. Kubyshin, Tim R. Morris, and John F. Tighe. 2002. “Gauge-Invariant Regularisation via SU(N|N).” International Journal of Modern Physics A 17 (17): 2283–2329. doi:10.1142/S0217751X02009722.
Arnone, Stefano, ed. 2001. Proceedings of the Second Conference on the Exact Renormalization Group: Rome, Italy, September 18-22, 2000. Singapore: World Scientific.
Arnone, Stefano, S. Chiantese, and Kensuke Yoshida. 2001. “Applications of Exact Renormalization Group Techniques to the Non-Perturbative Study of Supersymmetric Gauge Field Theory.” International Journal of Modern Physics A 16 (11): 1811–1824.
Arnone, Stefano, Yu A. Kubyshin, Tim R. Morris, and John F. Tighe. 2001a. “A Gauge Invariant Regulator for the ERG.” International Journal of Modern Physics A 16 (11): 1989–2001.
Arnone, Stefano, Yu A. Kubyshin, Tim R. Morris, and John F. Tighe. 2001b. “Gauge Invariant Regularisation in the ERG Approach.” In Proceedings of the XVth Workshop on High Energy Physics and Quantum Field Theory (Tver, Russia, September 7-13, 2001), edited by M. N. Dubinin and V. I. Savrin, 297–304. Moskow: Moskow University Press.
Arnone, Stefano, Claudio Fusi, and Kensuke Yoshida. 1999. “Exact Renormalization Group Equation in Presence of Rescaling Anomaly.” Journal of High Energy Physics 1999 (2): 22.
Arnone, Stefano, and Annamaria Panza. 1999. “Exact Renormalization Group Equation for SU(2) Gauge Fields Interacting with Massive Fermions.” International Journal of Modern Physics A 14 (25): 3935–47. doi:10.1142/S0217751X99001846.