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JCU Authors Bibliography

Andrea Lanzone


Lanzone, Andrea. 2023. “‘Laudate Hominem:’ Humanism, Humanity, and Piety According to Fabrizio De André. The Importance of La Buona Novella in the Work of the Genoese Singer-Songwriter.” In Humanism and Beyond: Past, Present, and Future of the Humanities in Liberal Arts Education, edited by Fabrizio Conti and Stefan Lorenz Sorgner. Budapest: Trivent.

Lanzone, Andrea. 2007. “Like a Complete Unknown: Unheeded Voices from the Migrants’ World: From Africa to Europe, from Mexico to the US: A Survey on the Precarious Status of the Immigrants.” Washington, DC: World Jurist Association.

Lanzone, Andrea. 2002. “Lakota 70’s: The Radical Years and Their Aftermath among the Oglala Sioux.” PhD diss., University of Essex.