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JCU Authors Bibliography

Simone Tholens


Tholens, Simone. 2021. “Practices of Intervention: Assembling Security Force Assistance in Lebanon.Journal of Intervention and Statebuilding 15 (5): 647–64.

Bueger, Christian, and Simone Tholens. 2021. “Theorizing Capacity Building.” In Capacity Building for Maritime Security: The Western Indian Ocean Experience, edited by Christian Bueger, Timothy Edmunds, and Robert McCabe, 21–45. Cham: Springer International Publishing.

Del Sarto, Raffaella, and Simone Tholens. 2020a. “Introduction: Practices of Contestation in the Mediterranean Middle East.” In Resisting Europe: Practices of Contestation in the Mediterranean Middle East, 3–22. Michigan University Press.

Del Sarto, Raffaella, and Simone Tholens, eds. 2020b. Resisting Europe: Practices of Contestation in the Mediterranean Middle East. Michigan University Press.

Del Sarto, Raffaella, and Simone Tholens. 2020c. “The Power to Contest in Europe-Middle East Relations.” In Resisting Europe: Practices of Contestation in the Mediterranean Middle East, 211–22. Michigan University Press.

Tholens, Simone. 2019a. Review of Inside the Arab State, by Marvan Kamrava. International Affairs 95 (4): 952–54.

Tholens, Simone. 2019b. “Winning the Post-War: Norm Localisation and Small Arms Control in Kosovo and Cambodia.Journal of International Relations and Development 22 (1): 50–76.

Tholens, Simone. 2018. “Practices of Imperial Identity: Patterns and Paradoxes in EU Trade and Energy Policies toward the Maghreb Region.” In North Africa and the Making of Europe: Governance, Institutions and Culture, edited by Murian Haleh Davis and Thomas Serres, 179–200. London: Bloomsbury. 

Santini, Ruth Hanau, and Simone Tholens. 2018. “Security Assistance in a Post-Interventionist Era: The Impact on Limited Statehood in Lebanon and Tunisia.Small Wars & Insurgencies 29 (3): 491–514.

Tholens, Simone. 2017a. “Border Management in an Era of ‘Statebuilding Lite’: Security Assistance and Lebanon’s Hybrid Sovereignty.International Affairs 93 (4): 865–82.

Tholens, Simone. 2017b. Review of Bosnia’s Paralysed Peace, by Christopher Bennett. International Affairs 93 (1): 217–18.

Tholens, Simone. 2015. Review of European Integration and Transformation in the Western Balkans: Europeanisation or Business as Usual? East European Politics 31 (1): 122–23.

Tholens, Simone, and Lisa Groß. 2015. “Diffusion, Contestation and Localisation in Post-War States: 20 Years of Western Balkans Reconstruction.Journal of International Relations and Development 18 (3): 249–64.

Tholens, Simone. 2014. “An EU–South Mediterranean Energy Community: The Right Policy for the Right Region?The International Spectator 49 (2): 34–49.

Strazzari, Francesco, and Simone Tholens. 2014. “‘Tesco for Terrorists’ Reconsidered: Arms and Conflict Dynamics in Libya and in the Sahara-Sahel Region.European Journal on Criminal Policy and Research 20 (3): 343–60.

Tholens, Simone. 2012a. “International Norms and Local Agents in Peacebuilding : Small Arms Control in Post-War Kosovo and Cambodia.” PhD diss., European University Institute.

Tholens, Simone. 2012b. “Which and Whose Authority? EU Support to Security Governance in Aceh.European Security 21 (2): 294–309.

Tholens, Simone, and Francesco Strazzari. 2011. “Multi-Stakeholder Partnerships in DDR and SALW-Control: Local Ownership, Norms and Human Security.” In Multi-Stakeholder Security Partnerships: A Critical Assessment with Case Studies from Afghanistan, DR Congo and Kosovo, edited by Michael Brzoska, Hans Georg Ehrhart, and Jens Narten, 1st ed., 59–80. Baden-Baden: Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG.

Strazzari, Francesco, and Simone Tholens. 2010. “Another Nakba: Weapons Availability and the Transformation of the Palestinian National Struggle, 1987–2007.International Studies Perspectives 11 (2): 112–30.

Tholens, Simone. 2009a. “Privatized Security in the Western Balkans: A Blank in Security Sector Reform.” In Security in the West: Evolution of a Concept, edited by Giampiero Giacomello and R. Craig Nation. Ithaca: Cornell University Press.

Tholens, Simone. 2009b. “Small Arms and Light Weapons Control.” In Nell’occhio del ciclone. Rapporto di ricerca su ambiente e povertà, emergenze e conflitti dimenticati, edited by B Peccegati and W Nanni. Bologna: Il Mulino.