Clough Marinaro, Isabella. 2024. “Andare in giro.” In The Global Encyclopaedia of Informality, Volume 3: A Hitchhiker’s Guide to Informal Problem-Solving in Human Life, edited by Alena Ledeneva, Elizabeth Teague, Petra Matijevic, Gian Marco Moisé, Piotr Majda, and Malika Toqmadi, 345–47. UCL Press.
Clough Marinaro, Isabella. 2022a. Inhabiting Liminal Spaces: Informalities in Governance, Housing, and Economic Activity in Contemporary Italy. London: Routledge.
Clough Marinaro, Isabella. 2022b. “The Violence of Timings: Eviction in a Pandemic.” In Italia Romaní. 7, La condizione dei Rom e dei Sinti in Italia durante la pandemia da Covid-19, 59–83. Roma: CISU.
Clough Marinaro, Isabella. 2021a. “Living the Liminal Life: Informalities in a Utopian Housing Project.” International Journal of Housing Policy 21 (2): 196–219.
Clough Marinaro, Isabella. 2021b. Review of Rules, Paper, Status: Migrants and Precarious Bureaucracy in Contemporary Italy, by Anna Tuckett. Journal of the Royal Anthropological Society 27 (2): 436–37.
Chiodelli, Francesco, Alessandro Coppola, Emanuele Belotti, Gilda Berruti, Isabella Clough Marinaro, Francesco Curci, and Federico Zanfi. 2021. “The Production of Informal Space: A Critical Atlas of Housing Informalities in Italy between Public Institutions and Political Strategies.” Progress in Planning 149: 100495.
Clough Marinaro, Isabella, and Cristiana Panella. 2021. “Informal Economies, Illegal Subjects. Roma and Senegalese Traders in Rome.” In Norms and Illegality. Intimate Ethnographies and Politics, edited by Cristiana Panella and Walter E. Little, 111–35. Lanham: Lexington Books.
Clough Marinaro, Isabella. 2019a. “Informality and the Neo-Ghetto: Modulating Power Through Roma Camps.” In Class, Ethnicity and State in the Polarized Metropolis: Putting Wacquant to Work, edited by John Flint and Ryan Powell, 159–85. Cham: Springer International Publishing.
Clough Marinaro, Isabella. 2019b. “Kaleidoscopic Shades of Grey: The Shifting (In)formalities of Rome’s Street Markets.” Cities 95 (December).
Clough Marinaro, Isabella, and Maria Giuditta Borselli. 2019a. “Espansioni Camorristiche a Roma.” In Atti Del XXXII Congresso Geografico Italiano.
Clough Marinaro, Isabella, and Maria Giuditta Borselli. 2019b. “Rome Open City? Camorra Expansions into the Italian Capital.” In Italian Mafias Today: Territory, Business and Politics, 174–90. Edward Elgar Publishing.
Allum, Felia, Isabella Clough Marinaro, and Rocco Sciarrone, eds. 2019. Italian Mafias Today: Territory, Business and Politics. Edward Elgar Publishing.
Clough Marinaro, Isabella, and Marco Solimene, eds. 2019. “Introduction: Navigating the (In)formal City: Roma, Urban Life and Governance in Rome.” Cities 96 (Special issue).
Clough Marinaro, Isabella. 2018. “Salvaging Rome. Roma Waste Traders and the City’s «Garbage Crisis».” Etnografia e Ricerca Qualitativa 1 (January-April): 11–32.
Clough Marinaro, Isabella. 2017. “The Informal Faces of the (Neo-)Ghetto: State Confinement, Formalization and Multidimensional Informalities in Italy’s Roma Camps.” International Sociology 32 (4): 545-62.
Clough Marinaro, Isabella. 2016. “Loan-Sharking in a Time of Crisis: Lessons from Rome’s Illegal Credit Market.” Trends in Organized Crime 3: 1–20.
Clough Marinaro, Isabella. 2015. “The Rise of Italy’s Neo-Ghettos.” Journal of Urban History 41 (3): 368–387.
Clough Marinaro, Isabella. 2014a. “Rome’s ‘Legal’ Camps for Roma: The Construction of New Spaces of Informality.” Journal of Modern Italian Studies 19 (5): 541–555. doi:10.1080/1354571X.2014.962254.
Clough Marinaro, Isabella. 2014b. “Sporco zingaro: I rom e l’integrità del corpo della nazione.” In Italia postcoloniale, 91–106. Firenze: Le Monnier.
Bermann, Karen, and Isabella Clough Marinaro. 2014. “‘We Work It Out:’ Roma Settlements in Rome and the Limits of Do-It-Yourself.” Journal of Urbanism: International Research on Placemaking and Urban Sustainability 7 (4): 399–413. doi:10.1080/17549175.2014.952321.
Clough Marinaro, Isabella, and Ulderico Daniele. 2014a. “Evicting Rome’s Undesiderables: Two Short Tales.” In Global Rome: Changing Faces of the Eternal City, edited by Isabella Clough Marinaro and Bjørn Thomassen, 114–128. Bloomington: Indiana University Press.
Clough Marinaro, Isabella, and Ulderico Daniele. 2014b. “A Failed Roma Revolution: Conflict, Fragmentation and Status Quo Maintenance in Rome.” Ethnicities 14 (6): 775–792.
Clough Marinaro, Isabella, and Bjørn Thomassen, eds. 2014. Global Rome: Changing Faces of the Eternal City. Bloomington: Indiana University Press.
Clough Marinaro, Isabella, and James Walston, eds. 2012. “The 150th Anniversary of Italian Unification (Part II).” Special issue, Bulletin of Italian Politics 4 (1).
Bermann, Karen, and Isabella Clough Marinaro. 2011. “Exclusivity and Exclusion: Roma Camps and the ‘Degypsification’ of the Roman Urbs.” Public 43: 62–75.
Clough Marinaro, Isabella, and Ulderico Daniele. 2011. “Roma and Humanitarianism in the Eternal City.” In “Anti-Gypsyism and the Politics of Exclusion: Roma and Sinti in Contemporary Italy,” ed. Isabella Clough Marinaro and Nando Sigona, special issue, Journal of Modern Italian Studies 16 (5): 621–636. doi:10.1080/1354571X.2011.622470.
Clough Marinaro, Isabella, and Nando Sigona, eds. 2011a. “Anti-Gypsyism and the Politics of Exclusion: Roma and Sinti in Contemporary Italy.” Special issue, Journal of Modern Italian Studies 16 (5).
Clough Marinaro, Isabella, and Nando Sigona. 2011b. “Introduction: Anti-Gypsyism and the Politics of Exclusion: Roma and Sinti in Contemporary Italy.” In "Anti–Gypsyism and the Politics of Exclusion: Roma and Sinti in Contemporary Italy," ed. Isabella Clough Marinaro and Nando Sigona, special issue, Journal of Modern Italian Studies 16 (5): 583–589. doi:10.1080/1354571X.2011.622467.
Clough Marinaro, Isabella, and James Walston, eds. 2011. “The 150th Anniversary of Italian Unification.” Special issue, Bulletin of Italian Politics 3 (2).
Clough Marinaro, Isabella. 2009. “Between Surveillance and Exile: Biopolitics and the Roma in Italy.” Bulletin of Italian Politics 1 (2): 265–87.
Clough Marinaro, Isabella, and James Walston. 2010a. “Italy’s Second Generations: The Sons and Daughters of Migrants.” In “Italy’s Second Generations: The Sons and Daughters of Migrants,” ed. Isabella Clough Marinaro and James Walston, special issue, Bulletin of Italian Politics 2 (1): 5–19.
Clough Marinaro, Isabella, and James Walston, eds. 2010b. “Italy’s Second Generations: The Sons and Daughters of Migrants.” Special issue, Bulletin of Italian Politics 2 (1).
Clough Marinaro, Isabella. 2008. “The Rom Community in Italy: A Self-Marginalising Minority?” Processi Storici e Politiche di Pace 2 (4): 149–171.
Clough Marinaro, Isabella. 2003. “Integration or Marginalization? The Failures of Social Policy for the Roma in Rome.” Modern Italy 8 (2): 203–218. doi:10.1080/1353294032000131247.