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JCU Authors Bibliography

Allan Christensen

Publications from 2012 on

Christensen, Allan Conrad. 2018. Darwinian Nature and Artistic Texts. Essays on Making/Unmaking. Solfanelli edizione. Chieti: Solfanelli. 

Christensen, Allan Conrad. 2015. “Broken Dialogues in Barnaby Rudge.” In Dialogic Dickens: Invention and Transformation, edited by Allan Conrad Christensen, Francesco Marroni, and David Paroissien, 11–25. Chieti: Solfanelli.

Christensen, Allan Conrad, Francesco Marroni, and David Paroissien, eds. 2015a. Dialogic Dickens: Invention and Transformation. Chieti: Solfanelli.

Christensen, Allan Conrad, Francesco Marroni, and David Paroissien. 2015b. “Foreword.” In Dialogic Dickens: Invention and Transformation, edited by Allan Conrad Christensen, Francesco Marroni, and David Paroissien, 5–7. Chieti: Solfanelli.

Christensen, Allan Conrad. 2012a. “Houses Aflame: Transgressions of Domesticity in Novels by Jenkin, Bulwer Lytton, Scott, Ruffini and Ainsworth.” In The House of Fiction as the House of Life: Representations of the House from Richardson to Woolf, edited by Francesca Saggini and Anna Enrichetta Soccio, 90–100. Newcastle upon Tyne, UK: Cambridge Scholars Pub.

Christensen, Allan Conrad. 2012b. Review of Blessed and Beautiful: Picturing the Saints, by Robert Kiely. Religion and the Arts 16: 151–155.

Christensen, Allan Conrad. 2012c. Review of Gold and Gold Enamelling: Studi in onore di Anthony L. Johnson, by Simona Beccone, Carmen Dell’Aversano, and Chiara Serani. Rivista di Letterature Moderne e Comparate 65 (3): 385–388.

Christensen, Allan Conrad. 2012d. “Creating/Vanishing: The Gypsy Muse in Works by Arnold, Kalda, Janáček, and Vaughan Williams.” Mosaic 45 (3): 165–180.

Dana, Richard Henry, Jr. 2012. “The Moral and Literary Character of Bulwer’s Novels.” Edited with an Introduction by Allan Conrad Christensen. Victorian Literature and Culture 40 (1): 289–301.