López, Antonio. 2024a. “Decolonizing Knowledge Systems in Media Education with Ecomedia Literacy.” In Transformative Practice in Critical Media Literacy, edited by Steven Gennaro, Nolan Higdon, and Michael Hoechsmann. Routledge.
López, Antonio. 2024b. “Ecomedia Video Essays.” In For the Love of Nature: Ecowriting the World, edited by Shirley R. Steinberg and Jeff Share. Lausanne: Peter Lang.
López, Antonio. 2024c. “Forward: The Ecomediasphere.” In Illustrating Stories: Comics and Graphic Novels Use in Art Therapy, edited by N. Rae. London: Jessica Kingsley Publishers.
López, Antonio. 2024d. “Weak, Resilient, or Collapsing News Ecosystems?” In Censorship, Digital Media, and the Global Crackdown on Freedom of Expression, edited by Robin Andersen, Nolan Higdon, and Steve Macek. Lausanne: Peter Lang.
Andrango, Sarawi, Darío Iza Pilaquinga, Antonio López, and Jeff Share. 2024. “Ecomedia Literacy’s El Buen Vivir/Sumak Kawsay: The Practice of Care in Media Education in Latin America.” Environmental Communication 18 (1–2): 82–87. https://doi.org/10.1080/17524032.2023.2296838.
Daou, Perla, Gretchen King, and Antonio López. 2024. “Advancing Sustainability in Media Education through Ecomedia Literacy.” In Medien—Bildung—Nachhaltige Entwicklung Inter- Und Transdisziplinäre Diskurse, edited by Björn Maurer, Marco Rieckmann, and Jan-René Schluchter, 259–67. Weinheim: Juventa Verlag.
López, Antonio. 2023a. “Climate Writing Across Media: Scribing New Stories-to-Live-By.” In Youth Created Media on the Climate Crisis, edited by Richard Beach and Blaine Smith. Routledge.
López, Antonio. 2023b. “Ecomedia Literacy: Bringing Ecomedia Studies into the Classroom.” In The Routledge Handbook of Ecomedia Studies, 99–107. Routledge.
López, Antonio. 2023c. “Gaslighting: Fake Climate News and Big Carbon’s Network of Denial.” In The Palgrave Handbook of Media Misinformation, edited by Karen Fowler-Watt and Julian McDougall, 159–77. Cham: Springer International Publishing. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-11976-7_11.
López, Antonio. 2023d. “Seeing Microplastic Clouds: Using Ecomedia Literacy for Digital Technology in Environmental Education.” The Journal of Environmental Education 54 (1): 46–57. https://doi.org/10.1080/00958964.2022.2152412.
Ivakhiv, Adrian, and Antonio López. 2023. “When Do Media Become Ecomedia?” In The Routledge Handbook of Ecomedia Studies, 19–34. Routledge.
Choi, Grace Y., Lynn Clark Schofield, Divina Frau-Meigs, Sergei Glotov, and Antonio Lopez. 2023. “Intercultural Dialogue: Civic Media & Participatory Culture.” In The Routledge Handbook of Media Education Futures Post-Pandemic, 506–10.
López, Antonio, Adrian Ivakhiv, Stephen Rust, Miriam Tola, Alenda Y. Chang, and Kiu-wai Chu. 2023. “Introduction.” In The Routledge Handbook of Ecomedia Studies, edited by Antonio López, Adrian Ivakhiv, Stephen Rust, Miriam Tola, Alenda Y. Chang, and Kiu-wai Chu, 1–16. London: Routledge.
López, Antonio, Adrian Ivakhiv, Stephen Rust, Miriam Tola, Alenda Y. Chang, and Kiu-wai Chu, eds. 2023. The Routledge Handbook of Ecomedia Studies. London: Routledge.
Lopez, Antonio, Jeff Share, and Theresa Redmond. 2023. “The Global Perspective on Ecomedia Literacy, Ecojustice and Media Education in a Post-Pandemic World.” In The Routledge Handbook of Media Education Futures Post-Pandemic, 471–78.
López, Antonio. 2021a. Ecomedia Literacy: Integrating Ecology into Media Education. Routledge.
López, Antonio. 2021b. “Expanding Ethics to the Environment with Ecomedia Literacy.” In The Handbook of Media Education Research, 381–97. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. https://doi.org/10.1002/9781119166900.ch36.
López, Antonio, Livia Piotto, and Elizabeth Macias-Gutiérrez. 2020. “Integrating Information Literacy in a Communication Writing Course.” In Faculty-Librarian Collaborations: Integrating the Information Literacy Framework into Disciplinary Courses, edited by Michael Stöpel, Livia Piotto, Xan Goodman, and Samantha Godbey, 57–75. Chicago: Association of College and Research Libraries.
López, Antonio. 2019a. “Communication.” In The International Encyclopedia of Media Literacy, edited by Renee Hobbs and Paul Mihailidis.
López, Antonio. 2019b. “Ecomedia Literacy.” In The International Encyclopedia of Media Literacy, edited by Renee Hobbs and Paul Mihailidis.
López, Antonio. 2018. Review of Teaching Climate Change to Adolescents: Reading, Writing, and Making a Difference, by Richard Beach, Jeff Share and Allen Webb. Journal of Media Literacy Education 10 (2).
López, Antonio. 2017a. “Back to the Drawing Board: Making Comics, Making Media Literacy.” In International Handbook of Media Literacy Education, edited by Belinha S. De Abreu, Paul Mihailidis, Alice Y.L. Lee, Jad Melki, and Julian McDougall, 274–88. New York: Routledge.
López, Antonio. 2017b. "Developing Visual Literacy Skills for Environmental Communication." In Environmental Communication Pedagogy and Practice, edited by Tema Milstein, Mairi Pileggi, and Eric L Morgan, 112-127. New York: Routledge.
López, Antonio. 2017c. Review of Exploring the Roots of Digital and Media Literacy through Personal Narrative, edited by Rene Hobbs. Media Education Research Journal 7 (2): 142–44.
López, Antonio. 2017d. "Using Infographics to Put Environmental Communication into Practice." In Environmental Communication Pedagogy and Practice, edited by Tema Milstein, Mairi Pileggi, and Eric L Morgan, 244-247. New York: Routledge.
López, Antonio, and Peter Sarram. 2017. “Cinema America Occupato: Reclaiming the Cultural Commons with Slow Media.” In Popular Culture and the Austerity Myth: Hard Times Today, edited by Pete Bennett and Julian McDougall, 157-171. Abingdon: Routledge.
López, Antonio. 2016a. “Deconstructing Chipotle: Media as Environmental Education.” Teaching Media Quarterly 4 (3).
López, Antonio. 2016b. “Mapping North American Media Literacy Practices.” In Transformation of LIS Education, Libraries and Information Services for Knowledge Society, edited by Inder Vir Mahlan, Trishanjit Kaur, and Navkiran Kaur. New Delhi: Ess Ess Publications.
López, Antonio. 2016c. Review of Making Media Studies by David Gauntlett. Journal of Media Literacy Education 8 (2): 125–32.
López, Antonio. 2015a. “Ecomedia Literacy for Environmental Sustainability.” In Media and Information Literacy for the Sustainable Development Goals, edited by Jagtar Singh, Alton Grizzle, Sin Joan Yee, and Sherry Hope Culver, 299–306. Gothenburg: The International Clearinghouse on Children, Youth and Media.
López, Antonio. 2015b. “Greening a Digital Media Culture Course: A Field Report.” Journal of Sustainability Education 4.
López, Antonio. 2015c. “Putting the Eco into Media Ecology.” In Media and the Ecological Crisis, edited by Richard Maxwell, Jon Raundalen, and Nina Lager Vestberg, 155–176. New York: Routledge.
López, Antonio. 2015d. Review of Greening Africana Studies: Linking Environmental Studies with Transforming Black Experiences, by Rubin Patterson. Teachers College Record.
López, Antonio. 2015e. Review of (Re)Thinking Orientalism: Using Graphic Narratives to Teach Critical Visual Literacy, by Rachel Bailey Jones. Journal of Media Literacy Education 7 (1): 77–79.
López, Antonio. 2014a. Greening Media Education: Bridging Media Literacy with Green Cultural Citizenship. New York: Peter Lang.
López, Antonio. 2014b. “Greening the Mediapolis with Media Literacy.” International Journal of Social Ecology and Sustainable Development 5 (2): 1–12. doi:10.4018/ijsesd.2014040101.
López, Antonio. 2013. “Greening a Digital Media Culture Course: A Field Report.” The Journal of Sustainability Education 4.
López, Antonio. 2012. The Media Ecosystem: What Ecology Can Teach Us about Responsible Media Practice. Berkeley: Evolver Editions.
López, Antonio. 2011a. “Greening a Digital Media Course.” Project New Media Literacies, May 5.
López, Antonio. 2011b. “Poverty (Un)consciousness.” In What Comes after Money? Essays from Reality Sandwich on Transforming Currency & Community, edited by Daniel Pinchbeck and Ken Jordan, 110–117. New York: Routledge.
López, Antonio. 2011c. “Practicing Sustainable Youth Media.” In International Perspectives on Youth Media: Cultures of Production and Education, edited by JoEllen Fisherkeller, and Kathleen R. Tyner, 317–337. New York: Peter Lang.
López, Antonio. 2011d. Review of Latina Teens, Migration, and Popular Culture, by Lucila Vargas. Journal of Latinos and Education 10 (2): 170–172.
López, Antonio. 2010. “Defusing the Cannon/Canon: An Organic Media Approach to Environmental Communication.” Environmental Communication: A Journal of Nature and Culture 4 (1): 99–108.
López, Antonio. 2009. “Reality 2.0.” In Toward 2012: Perspectives on the Next Age, 195–201. New York: Jeremy P. Tarcher/Penguin.
López, Antonio. 2008a. “Advertising Hooks.” In Managing Emotional Appeal in Advertising: Concepts and Cases, edited by Pramod Rao, and Ravigant S. Wawge. Hyderabad: Icfai University Press.
López, Antonio. 2008b. “Circling the Cross: Bridging Native America, Education, and Digital Media.” In Learning Race and Ethnicity: Youth and Digital Media, edited by Anna Everett, 109–126. Cambridge, MA: MIT.
López, Antonio. 2008c. Mediacology: A Multicultural Approach to Media Literacy in the 21st Century. New York: Peter Lang.
López, Antonio. 2008d. “Media Permaculture and ‘Mediacology:’ An Ecological, Design-Based Pedagogy for Media Literacy.” Explorations in Media Ecology 7 (4): 299–316. doi:11.1387/eme.7.4.299.
López, Antonio. 2007a. “The Aesthetic Pleasures of War.” In Media Literacy: A Reader, edited by Donaldo Macedo, 256–272. New York: Peter Lang.
López, Antonio. 2007b. “School of (Punk) Rock: An Autobiographical Rant on Education.” In Media Literacy: A Reader, edited by Donaldo Macedo, 576–582. New York: Peter Lang.
López, Antonio. 2002. “Xeroxing Culture, Erasing History: The Problem with ‘Hispanic’ Identity and Art in Northern New Mexico.” Puerto Del Sol.
López, Antonio. 2001a. “Greening Media Education.” A Manifesto for Media Education.
López, Antonio. 2001b. “Museum Piece.” In Travelers’ Tales, Cuba: True Stories, edited by Tom Miller, 117–121. San Francisco: Travelers’ Tales.
López, Antonio. 1999a. “AT&T, the Serpent’s Shadow, and the Dreadlock Gringo.” In In Search of Adventure: A Wild Travel Anthology, edited by Bruce T. Northam, and Brad Olsen, 127–130. San Francisco: Consortium of Collective Consciousness.
López, Antonio. 1999b. “No Futuro.” In In Search of Adventure: A Wild Travel Anthology, edited by Bruce T. Northam, and Brad Olsen, 189–193. San Francisco: Consortium of Collective Consciousness.