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JCU Authors Bibliography

Maria Jell-Ojobor

Publications from 2012 on

Brockmann-Hosseini, Navid, Maria Jell-Ojobor, and Josef Windsperger. 2023. “Market Entry Through Multilateral Networks in Developing Countries: The Case of Public–Private Development Partnership in Zambia.” In Networks in International Business: Managing Cooperatives, Franchises and Alliances, edited by George WJ Hendrikse, Gérard Cliquet, Ilir Hajdini, Aveed Raha, and Josef Windsperger, 279–307. Contributions to Management Science. Cham: Springer International Publishing.

Vayle, Alexandra, and Maria Jell-Ojobor. 2023. “Knowledge Attributes and Internationalization of E-Service Firms: Literature Review and Conceptual Model.” In Networks in International Business: Managing Cooperatives, Franchises and Alliances, edited by George WJ Hendrikse, Gérard Cliquet, Ilir Hajdini, Aveed Raha, and Josef Windsperger, 333–49. Contributions to Management Science. Cham: Springer International Publishing.

Jell-Ojobor, Maria, Ilan Alon, and Josef Windsperger. 2022. “The Choice of Master International Franchising – A Modified Transaction Cost Model.International Business Review 31 (2): 101942.

Jell-Ojobor, Maria, Ilir Hajdini, and Josef Windsperger. 2022. “Governance of International Franchise Networks: Combining Value Creation and Value Appropriation Perspectives.Journal of Business Research 139 (February): 267–79.

Jell-Ojobor, Maria, and Michael Paul Kramer. 2022. “Inclusive Value Creation in the Coffee Industry: A Framework of Blockchain-Enabled Dynamic Capabilities for Sustainable International Supply Chain Transformation.” In Sustainability in Agribusiness, 85–100. Routledge.

Jell-Ojobor, Maria, and Aveed Raha. 2022. “Being Good at Being Good—The Mediating Role of an Environmental Management System in Value-Creating Green Supply Chain Management Practices.Business Strategy and the Environment 31 (5): 1964–84.

Jell-Ojobor, Maria, and Sriteja Reddy Wudaru. 2021. “Sustainable Value Chain Management in the Diamond Industry – The Case of Samarth Diamond.” In LUISS Teaching Cases, 1–28.

Jell-Ojobor, Maria. 2019. “Strategic CSR and the Competitive Advantage of Franchise Firms.In Design and Management of Interfirm Networks: Franchise Networks, Cooperatives and Alliances, edited by Josef Windsperger, Gérard Cliquet, George Hendrikse, and Marijana Srećković, 91–111. Contributions to Management Science. Cham: Springer International Publishing.

Jell-Ojobor, Maria, Massiel Henríquez Parodi, and Ilan Alon. 2019. “Signaling Strategy in International Franchising.” In International Business in an Unsettling Political and Economic Environment.

Jell-Ojobor, Maria, and Ilan Alon. 2017. “Determinants of Master International Franchising.” In Handbook of Research on Franchising, 348–76. Edward Elgar Publishing. 

Jell-Ojobor, Maria, and Josef Windsperger. 2017a. “Determinants of the Governance Structure of the International Franchise Firm: A Case Study Analysis in the Automotive Rental Industry.International Marketing Review 34 (6): 814–84.

Jell-Ojobor, Maria, and Josef Windsperger. 2017b. “Internationalization of Franchise Networks.” In Handbook of Research on Franchising, 317–47. Edward Elgar Publishing. 

Jell-Ojobor, Maria, and Josef Windsperger. 2014. “The Choice of Governance Modes of International Franchise Firms — Development of an Integrative Model.Journal of International Management 20 (2): 153–87.