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JCU Authors Bibliography

Publications from 2012 on

Wilcox, Vanda. 2022a. “A European History of Michael Howard’s War in European History.” British Journal for Military History 8 (2): 36–54.

Wilcox, Vanda. 2022b. “Imperial Thinking and Colonial Combat in the Early Twentieth-Century Italian Army.The Historical Journal 65 (5): 1333–53.

Wilcox, Vanda. 2021a. “Georgette Heyer, Wellington’s Army and the First World War.” In Georgette Heyer, History and Historical Fiction, edited by Samantha J. Rayner and Kim Wilkins, 162–86. UCL Press.

Wilcox, Vanda. 2021b. The Italian Empire and the Great War. First edition. The Greater War. Oxford: Oxford Univesity Press. 

Wilcox, Vanda. 2018a. “Italian Jewish Soldiers in the Great War.” In The Jewish Experience of the First World War, edited by Edward Madigan and Gideon Reuveni. London: Palgrave Macmillan. 

Wilcox, Vanda, ed. 2018b. Italy in the Era of the Great War. Brill.

Daly, Selena, Martina Salvante, and Vanda Wilcox, eds. 2018. Landscapes of the First World War.

Wilcox, Vanda. 2017. “The Execution of Cesare Battisti: Loyalty and Citizenship in the Trentino during the First World War.In 1916 in Global Context An Anti-Imperial Moment, edited by Enrico Dal Lago and Gearóid Barry Róisín Healy. Routledge. 

Wilcox, Vanda. 2016a. “Between Acceptance and Refusal: Soldiers’ Attitudes Towards War (Italy).” 1914-1918: International Encyclopedia of the First World War, edited by Ute Daniel, Peter Gatrell, Oliver Janz, Heather Jones, Jennifer Keene, Alan Kramer, and Bill Nasson. Berlin: Freie Universität Berlin.

Wilcox, Vanda. 2016b. “Emozioni e Il Corpo Mutilato: Soldati e Disabilità Nella Prima Guerra Mondiale.” In Guerra e Disabilità. Mutilati e Invalidi Italiani e Primo Conflitto Mondiale, edited by Nicola Labanca. Milan: Unicopli. 

Wilcox, Vanda. 2016c. Morale and the Italian Army during the First World War. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.

Wilcox, Vanda. 2016d. “Turning Peasants into Soldiers: The Debate over Training and Morale in Italy, 1914-15.” In L’Italia Neutrale, 1914-1915, edited by Giovanni Orsina and Andrea Ungari. Rome: Rodorigo Editore.

Wilcox, Vanda. 2015a. “La bataille de Caporetto: Un tournant pour le moral des troupes italiennes.” In Dans la guerre 1914-1918: Accepter, endurer, refuser, edited by Nicolas Beaupré, Heather Jones, and Anne Rasmussen, 229–250. Paris: Les Belles Lettres.

Wilcox, Vanda. 2015b. “Between Acceptance and Refusal - Soldiers’ Attitudes Towards War (Italy)International Encyclopaedia of the First World War. 

Wilcox, Vanda. 2015c. “The Italian Soldiers’ Experience in Libya, 1911-12.” In The Wars before the Great War: Conflict and International Politics before the Outbreak of the First World War, edited by Dominik Geppert, William Mulligan, and Andreas Rose, 41–57. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.

Wilcox, Vanda. 2014a. “Combat and the Soldier’s Experience in World War One.” British Library: World War One.

Wilcox, Vanda. 2014b. “Italian Front.” 1914-1918: International Encyclopedia of the First World War, edited by Ute Daniel, Peter Gatrell, Oliver Janz, Heather Jones, Jennifer Keene, Alan Kramer, and Bill Nasson. Berlin: Freie Universität Berlin.

Wilcox, Vanda. 2014c. “Morale and Battlefield Performance at Caporetto, 1917.” Journal of Strategic Studies 37 (6–7): 829–854.

Wilcox, Vanda. 2014d. “Mountain Warfare in the Italian Theatre of War.” British Library: World War One.

Wilcox, Vanda. 2014e. “Training, Morale and Battlefield Performance in the Italian Army, 1914-1917.” In The Greater War: Other Combatants and Other Fronts, 1914-1918, edited by Jonathan Krause, 177–194. Houndmills, UK: Palgrave Macmillan.

Wilcox, Vanda. 2012. “‘Weeping Tears of Blood’: Exploring Italian Soldiers’ Emotions in the First World War.” Modern Italy 17 (2): 171–184.