Scarpa, Silvia. 2022a. “Child Early and Forced Marriages of Girls during Armed Conflicts: The Fragmentation of International Law and Judicial Protection.” In Girls Children in Armed Conflict: A Study Conducted by the Universities Network for Children in Armed Conflict, 49–64. Apes Publishing House.
Scarpa, Silvia. 2022b. “Il disarmo nucleare completo, la prospettiva umanitaria, la sicurezza umana ed i diritti umani alla luce dell’adozione del trattato sulla proibizione delle armi nucleari.” In Liber Amicorum Sergio Marchisio. Il diritto della comunità internazionale tra caratteristiche strutturali e tendenze innovative, Editoriale Scientifica, II:1571–84. Napoli.
Scarpa, Silvia. 2022c. “The Powers of Port State Authorities to Monitor, Inspect and Detain Private Humanitarian Assistance Ships Are Not Unlimited (C-14/21 and C-15/21, Sea Watch)!” EU Law Live (blog). September 28, 2022.
Scarpa, Silvia. 2022d. “Ships Involved in Search and Rescue Activities Shall Comply with Relevant International and EU Law… but States Have an Obligation to Guarantee Assistance to Those in Distress at Sea!” EU Law Live (blog). March 25, 2022.
Scarpa, Silvia. 2019a. “Conceptual Unclarity, Human Dignity and Contemporary Forms of Slavery: An Appraisal and Some Proposals” 64 Questions of International Law (QIL) Zoom-In, p. 19 – 41.
Scarpa, Silvia. 2019b. “The Nebulous Definition of Slavery: Legal versus Sociological Definitions of Slavery.” In The Palgrave International Handbook of Human Trafficking, edited by John A. Winterdyk and Jackie Jones, 1–14. Cham: Springer International Publishing. Advance online publication.
Scarpa, Silvia. 2019c. “UN Palermo Trafficking Protocol Eighteen Years On: A Critique.” In The Palgrave International Handbook of Human Trafficking, edited by John A. Winterdyk and Jackie Jones, 1–18. Cham: Springer International Publishing. Advance online publication.
Scarpa, Silvia. 2018a. Contemporary Forms of Slavery. Brussels: European Parliament.
Scarpa, Silvia. 2018b. “The Implementation of the OSCE Commitments on Trafficking in Human Beings by the Italian Authorities.” In Impelementation of Selected OSCE Commitments on Human Rights and Democracy in Italy: Independent Evaluation Reporto on the Occasion of the Italian OSCE Chairmanship, edited by Andrea De Guttry, 85–137.
Scarpa, Silvia. 2018c. “La Politica Artica dell’Unione Europea e lo Status di Osservatore de Facto nel Consiglio Artico.” Studi sull’integrazione europea 1: 223–32.
Scarpa, Silvia. 2018d. “Sulla Tutela dell’Ambiente e l’Istituzione di Aree Marine Protette nel Mar Glaciale Artico.” La Comunità Internazionale 73 (1): 25 – 41.
Scarpa, Silvia. 2017a. “European Standards of Protection of Victims of Trafficking.” In Coherence and Incoherence of Migration Management and Integration, edited by Nanette Neuwahl and Sarah Barrere, 89 – 107.
Scarpa, Silvia. 2017b. “Immunità dello Stato Straniero, Licenziamento e Discriminazione della Lavoratrice.” Giurisprudenza Italiana 12: 2707 – 2714.
Scarpa, Silvia. 2016. “La Commissione per la Cooperazione Ambientale del NAAEC e gli Allevamenti di Salmone: Un’Analisi del aso BC Salmon Farms.” In Diritto internazionale e governance marittima: Problemi attuali e sfide per le organizzazioni di integrazione economica regionale, edited by A. Del Vecchio and F. Marrella, 79–91. Napoli: Editoriale Scientifica.
Scarpa, Silvia. 2015a. “The Sovereignty of States, the Right to Family Life and the Right of Non-Nationals to Enter, Reside and Avoid Expulsion: Towards a More Balanced Approach?” In Protection des migrants et des réfugiés au XXIe siècle: Aspects de droit International = Migration and Refugee Protection in the 21st Century: International Legal Aspects, edited by Guy S. Goodwin-Gill, 519–559. Leiden: Martinus Nijhoff Publishers.
Scarpa, Silvia. 2015b. “The Worst Forms of Child Labour in Cocoa Plantations in Côte d’Ivoire & Direct Obligations of Transnational Corporations.” In Human Rights and Business: Direct Corporate Accountability for Human Rights, edited by Jernej Letnar Černič and Tara Van Ho, 429–446. Oisterwijk: Wolf Legal Publishers (WLP).
Scarpa, Silvia. 2014a. Review of The Legal Understanding of Slavery: From the Historical to the Contemporary, by Jean Allain. Leiden Journal of International Law 27 (2): 551–56.
Scarpa, Silvia. 2014b. "Slavery." Oxford Bibliographies. New York: Oxford University Press.
Scarpa, Silvia. 2013a. “The Definition of Trafficking in Adult Persons for Various Forms of Exploitation and the Issue of Consent: A Framework Approach That Respects Peculiarities.” Groningen Journal of International Law 1 (2): 154–163.
Scarpa, Silvia. 2013b. “Guaranteeing the Broadest Protection to Minors in the Aftermath of Disasters: Re-Framing the International Discussion in Terms of Child Abduction, Sale, and Trafficking.” Journal of International Humanitarian Legal Studies 4 (1): 135-150.
Scarpa, Silvia. 2013c. Review of Il Diritto dei rifugiati: Elementi di diritto internazionale, europeo e italiano, by Marco Odello. International Journal of Refugee Law 25 (3): 643–644.
Scarpa, Silvia. 2013d. Review of The International Law of Human Trafficking, by Anne T. Gallagher. Plurilogue: Politics and Philosophy Reviews, no. 3.
Scarpa, Silvia. 2013e. “Trafficking in Slavery’s Wake: Law and Experience of Women and Children in Africa.” Enterprise and Society 14 (4): 866–868.
Italia. Ministero degli Affari Esteri. Direzione Generale per la Cooperazione allo Sviluppo. 2012a. “Linee guida della cooperazione italiana su patrimonio culturale e sviluppo.” Edited by Andrea De Guttry, Annalisa Creta, Cinzia Morrone, and Silvia Scarpa.
Italia. Ministero degli Affari Esteri. Direzione Generale per la Cooperazione allo Sviluppo. 2012b. “Patrimonio culturale e sviluppo: Verso la formulazione di una strategia italiana.” Edited by Andrea De Guttry, Annalisa Creta, Cinzia Morrone, and Silvia Scarpa.
Scarpa, Silvia. 2012a. Review of The Anti-Slavery Project: From the Slave Trade to Human Trafficking by Joel Quirk. Leiden Journal of International Law 25 (4).
Scarpa, Silvia. 2012b. “Assessing the Effects on Students’ Awareness and Actions Produced by the Course ‘Human Trafficking and Contemporary Slavery.’” The Protection Project: Journal of Human Rights and Civil Society, no. 5, 81–98.
Scarpa, Silvia. 2012c. An Introduction to International Human Rights Standards for Law Enforcement Authorities. Roma: UniversItalia.
Scarpa, Silvia. 2011. “Forced Labour: Coercion and Exploitation in the Private Economy.” Enterprise and Society 12 (3): 660–63.
Scarpa, Silvia. 2010. “Fighting Against Human Trafficking for Commercial Sexual Exploitation: The Actions in Western Europe.” Revue Internationale de Droit Pénal : Bulletin de l’Association Internationale de Droit Pénal 81 (3–4): 563–87.
Scarpa, Silvia. 2009. “Politiche dell’Unione Europea di Tutela dei Diritti Umani delle Donne. Il Caso della Tratta.” In I Diritti delle Donne nell’Unione Europea. Cittadine, Migranti, Schiave, edited by Mariagrazia Rossilli, 139–61.
Scarpa, Silvia. 2008a. “Gli Standard e i Meccanismi Internazionali di Tutela dei Diritti Umani.” In Sessantesimo anniversario della dichiarazione universale dei diritti umani., 34–47. Firenze.
Scarpa, Silvia. 2008b. “La Tutela Internazionale delle Vittime di Tratta di Persone, in Particolare Donne e Bambini.” In All’aperto e al Chiuso, Prostituzione e Tratta: I Nuovi Dati Del Fenomeno, i Servizi Sociali, Le Normative Di Riferimento, edited by Francesco Carchedi and Raffaella Milano, 375–417. Roma: Ediesse.
Scarpa, Silvia. 2008c. Trafficking in Human Beings: Modern Slavery. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Scarpa, Silvia. 2006. “Child Trafficking: International Instruments to Protect the Most Vulnerable Victims.” Family Court Review 44 (3): 429–47.
Scarpa, Silvia. 2005a. “Child Trafficking: The Worst Face of the World - An Analysis of the Existing International Instruments Protecting Child Victims of Human Trafficking.” Global Migration Perspectives 40: 1–33.
Scarpa, Silvia. 2005b. “L’Unione Europea e la Lotta alla Nuova Tratta di Esseri Umani (The EU and the New Trafficking in Human Beings).” Affari Sociali Internazionali 1: 51–62.
Scarpa, Silvia. 2004a. “La Tutela dei Diritti delle Vittime di Tratta degli Esseri Umani dd il Sistema Premiale Previsto dalla Direttiva Comunitaria 2004/81/CE.” Diritto, Immigrazione e Cittadinanza 2: 45–67.
Scarpa, Silvia. 2004b. “Universalism and Regionalism: The Synergy to Fight against Trafficking in Human Beings.” Human Rights Law Review, no. Special Issue: 4–19.
Scarpa, Silvia. 2002a. “Mezzo Secolo per Diventare Cittadini Comunitari.” Dike 3: 99–114.
Scarpa, Silvia. 2002b. “Gli Sfollati, Tanti, Incalcolabili Cittadini Senza Difese.” Dike 6 (159–172).