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JCU Authors Bibliography

Peter Sarram


Della Ratta, Donatella, Geert Lovink, Teresa Numerico, and Peter Sarram. 2021. “Fear and Loathing of the Online Self: A Savage Journey into the Heart of Digital Cultures.” In Aesthetics and Politics of the Online Self : A Savage Journey into the Heart of Digital Cultures, 1–25.

Della Ratta, Donatella, and Peter Sarram. 2021. “Reflecting on the Online Self through the Looking-Glass: From Auto-Ethnography to Empathic Criticism.” In Aesthetics and Politics of the Online Self : A Savage Journey into the Heart of Digital Cultures, 195–221.

Sarram, Peter, Donatella Della Ratta, Geert Lovink, and Teresa Numerico. 2021. The Aesthetics and Politics of the Online Self: A Savage Journey into the Heart of Digital Cultures. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.

Sarram, Peter. 2017. “Punk in Italy.” In Bloomsbury Encyclopedia of Popular Music of the World, 11:603–7.

Lopez, Antonio, and Peter Sarram. 2017. “Cinema America Occupato: Reclaiming the Cultural Commons With Slow Media.” In Popular Culture and the Austerity Myth: Hard Times Today, edited by Pete Bennett and Julian McDougall, 157-171. Abingdon: Routledge. 

Sarram, Peter. 2007. "Stephen O’Malley[Sunn O))), Khanate, KTL e Æthenor]." Blow Up, 105, February.

Sarram, Peter. 2002. "Fritz Lang: La vocazione del poeta." Blow Up, 50/51, July/August.

Bressane, Julio. 2002. "Piccola lettura del cinema elementare e alimentare dell’antropofago Guy Debord." Translated from Portuguese by Peter SarramBlow Up, 44, January.

Sarram, Peter. 2002. "Guy Debord: …un mondo di piaceri da conquistare, e nulla da perdere eccetto la noia…" Blow Up, 44, January.

Sarram, Peter. 2001. “Desert Island Records: Thomas Brinkmann.” Blow Up, 41, October.

Sarram, Peter. 2001. “Terence Malick: La calma dell’essere nel tempo.” Blow Up40, September.

Sarram, Peter. 2001. Review of Studiare la popular music by Richard Middleton. Blow Up40, September.

Sarram, Peter. 2001. “Bjork e la comunità che viene.” Blow Up40, September.

Sarram, Peter. 2001. “Straub-Huillet: La leggenda invisibile, Il cinema di Daniéle Huillet e Jean-Marie Straub.” Blow Up38/39, July/August.

Sarram, Peter, and Tommaso Ottonieri. 2001. “The Simpsons: Immagini senze genere o stile.” Blow Up37, June.

Sarram, Peter. 2001. “KID 606 e i 'terroristi elettronici' (Lesser, Matmos, Disc, Blectum From Blechdom).” Blow Up32, January.

Pinkus, Karen, and Pier Paolo Sarram. 2000. “Pulsioni Pixel.” In Bassa fedeltà: L’arte nell’epoca della riproduzione tecnica totale, edited by Alfredo Salsano, 22–29. Torino: Bollati Boringhieri.

Sarram, Peter. 2000. “The New Indie Jazz Thing: AUM Fidelity, Atavistic, Wobbly Rail, Okka Disk: Cosa succede nel mondo dell’improv americano?” Blow Up, 28, September.

Sarram, Peter. 2000. “Jimi Tenor: Intervista.” Blow Up, 26/27, July/August.

Sarram, Peter. 2000. “This Is Pop!: Nancy Sinatra, Lee Hazlewood, Magnetic Fields, Belle & Sebastian.” Blow Up, 25, June.

Sarram, Peter. 2000. “Brinkmann.”  Blow Up, 24, May.

Sarram, Peter. 2000. “Destroy Babylon! Lou Reed e Metal Machine Music.” Blow Up, 24, May.

Sarram, Peter. 2000. “Jean-Luc Godard: GOD-ART.” Blow Up, 23, April.

Sarram, Peter. 2000. “John Cage.” Blow Up, 20, January.

Sarram, Peter. 1999. “Thomas Brinkmann: Black Box, White Cube.”  Blow Up, 13, June.

Sarram, Peter. 1999. “Tropicalia: Camminando controvento.” Blow Up, 12, May.

Sarram, Peter. “L’eclisse.” Blow Up, Issues 9-45, January 1999 - February 2002. (Regular monthly column on sound theory, sound art and popular recorded music—influential and game changing in Italian popular music criticism, opening up a debate around the questions of music criticism, questions of value, reflection around popular music and culture.