Simpson, Kathryn, and Nick Startin. 2022. “Tabloid Tales: How the British Tabloid Press Shaped the Brexit Vote.” JCMS: Journal of Common Market Studies, 1–21.
FitzGibbon, John, Benjamin Leruth, and Nick Startin. 2018a. Euroscepticism as a Transnational and Pan-European Phenomenon: The Emergence of a New Sphere of Opposition. Routledge/UACES Contemporary European Studies. London: Routledge.
Usherwood, Simon, Nicholas Startin, and Simon VNV Guerra. 2018b. Euroscepticism in the EU: New Dimensions in Opposition to European Integration. Edward Elgar Publishing Limited.
Startin, Nicholas. 2017a. “‘Euromondialisme’ and the Growth of the Radical Right.” In The Routledge Handbook of Euroscepticism, edited by Benjamin Leruth, Nicholas Startin, and Simon Usherwood, 75–85. Routledge.
Startin, Nicholas. 2017b. “How the Referendum Was Lost: An Analysis of the UK Referendum Campaign on EU Membership.” In The Routledge Handbook of Euroscepticism, edited by Benjamin Leruth, Nicholas Startin, and Simon Usherwood, 456–67. Routledge.
Startin, Nicholas. 2017c. “Macron’s Daunting to-Do List: Unite a Nation, Form a Government, Reform Europe.” The Conversation, May.
Startin, Nicholas. 2017d. “What Will Become of British Euroscepticism after Brexit.” The Times.
Leruth, Benjamin, Yordan Kutiyski, André Krouwel, and Nicholas J. Startin. 2017. “Does the Information Source Matter? Newspaper Readership, Political Preferences and Attitudes Towards the EU in the UK, France and the Netherlands.” In Euroscepticism, Democracy and the Media: Communicating Europe, Contesting Europe, edited by Manuela Caiani and Simona Guerra, 95–120. Palgrave Studies in European Political Sociology. London: Palgrave Macmillan UK.
Leruth, Benjamin, and Nicholas Startin. 2017. “Between Euro-Federalism, Euro-Pragmatism and Euro-Populism: The Gaullist Movement Divided over Europe.” Modern & Contemporary France 25 (2): 153–69.
Leruth, Benjamin, Nicholas Startin, and Simon Usherwood. 2017a. “Defining Euroscepticism: From a Broad Concept to a Field of Study.” In The Routledge Handbook of Euroscepticism, 3–10. Routledge.
Leruth, Benjamin, Nicholas Startin, and Simon Usherwood, eds. 2017b. The Routledge Handbook of Euroscepticism. Routledge.
Usherwood, Simon, Benjamin Leruth, and Nicholas Startin. 2017. “Euroscepticism and European (Dis)Integration in the Age of Brexit.” In The Routledge Handbook of Euroscepticism, edited by Benjamin Leruth, Nicholas Startin, and Simon Usherwood, 468–77. Routledge.
Startin, Nicholas. 2016. “The Brexit Referendum and the Future of the EU.” IPR Blog (blog). July 18, 2016.
FitzGibbon, John, Benjamin Leruth, and Nick Startin, eds. 2016a. Euroscepticism as a Transnational and Pan-European Phenomenon: The Emergence of a New Sphere of Opposition. London: Routledge.
FitzGibbon, John, Benjamin Leruth, and Nick Startin. 2016b. “Introduction to Euroscepticism as a Transnational and Pan-European Euroscepticism.” In Euroscepticism as a Transnational and Pan-European Phenomenon, edited by John FitzGibbon, Benjamin Leruth, and Nick Startin, 1–13. London: Routledge.
Startin, Nicholas, and Nathalie Brack. 2016. “To Cooperate or Not to Cooperate? The European Radical Right and Pan-European Cooperation.” In Euroscepticism as a Transnational and Pan-European Phenomenon, edited by John FitzGibbon, Benjamin Leruth, and Nicholas Startin, 28–45. Routledge.
Startin, Nicholas. 2015a. “The Front National’s Polling Better than Ever, but Don’t Expect a President Le Pen.” The Conversation, December.
Startin, Nicholas. 2015b. “Have We Reached a Tipping Point? The Mainstreaming of Euroscepticism in the UK.” International Political Science Review 36 (3): 311–23.
Brack, Nathalie, and Nicholas Startin. 2015. “Introduction: Euroscepticism, from the Margins to the Mainstream.” International Political Science Review 36 (3): 239–49.
Leruth, Benjamin, and Nicholas Startin. 2015. “Le Royaume-Uni.” In Les Démocraties Européennes Institutions, Élections et Partis Politiques, edited by Nathalie Brack, Jean-Michel De Waele, and Jean-Benoit Pilet, 413–26. Paris: Armand Colin.
Startin, Nicholas. 2014a. “Contrasting Fortunes, Differing Futures? The Rise (and Fall) of the Front National and the British National Party.” Modern and Contemporary France 22 (3): 277–99.
Startin, Nicholas. 2014b. “Debates Showed Rationality Can’t Win the EU Membership Fight.” The Conversation, April.
Mondon, Aurelien, and Nicholas Startin. 2013. “Far-Right Earthquake Could Be Bigger than 2002 for France.” The Conversation, July.
Startin, Nick, and André Krouwel. 2013. “Euroscepticism Re-Galvanized: The Consequences of the 2005 French and Dutch Rejections of the EU Constitution," in “Confronting Euroscepticism”, ed. Simon Usherwood, Nick Startin and Simona Guerra, special issue, JCMS: Journal of Common Market Studies 51 (1): 65–84,
Usherwood, Simon, and Nick Startin. 2013. “Euroscepticism as a Persistent Phenomenon." in “Confronting Euroscepticism”, ed. Simon Usherwood, Nick Startin and Simona Guerra, special issue, JCMS: Journal of Common Market Studies 51 (1): 1–16.
Usherwood, Simon, Nick Startin, and Simona Guerra, eds. 2013. “Confronting Euroscepticism.” Special issue, JCMS: Journal of Common Market Studies 51 (1): 1–168.
Startin, Nicholas. 2010. “Where to for the Radical Right in the European Parliament? The Rise and Fall of Transnational Political Cooperation.” Perspectives on European Politics and Society 11 (4): 429–49.
Startin, Nicholas. 2009. Review of Britain, the Euro and Beyond, Aldershot, Ashgate, by Mark Baimbridge and Philip B. Whyman. Perspectives on European Politics and Society 10 (1): 143–45.
Startin, Nicholas. 2008. “The French Rejection of the 2005 EU Constitution in a Global Context: A Public Opinion Perspective.” In France on the World Stage: Nation State Strategies in the Global Era, edited by Mairi Maclean and Joseph Szarka, 91–110. French Politics, Society and Culture Series. London: Palgrave Macmillan UK.
Startin, Nicholas James. 2005a. “Europe as an Issue in French Domestic Politics: The Troubled Evolution on the Right.” PhD diss., Brunel University.
Startin, Nick. 2005b. “Maastricht, Amsterdam and beyond: The Troubled Evolution of the French Right.” In French Relations with the European Union, edited by Helen Drake, 64–85. Routledge.
Neocleous, Mark, and Nick Startin. 2003. “‘Protest’ and Fail to Survive: Le Pen and the Great Moving Right Show.” Politics 23 (3): 145–55.
Startin, N. 2002. Review of Nightmare! The Race to Become London’s Mayor, by Mark D’Arcy and Rory MacLean. Party Politics 8 (2): 247–49.
Startin, Nicholas. 2001a. “Candidate Centred and Party Free Elections: Lessons from the Livingstone Mayoral Campaign.” Representation: Journal of Representative Democracy 38 (1): 31–45.
Startin, Nicholas. 2001b. Review of Front Contre Front, by Michaël Darmon and Romain Rosso. Modern and Contemporary France 9 (1): 104.
Startin, Nicholas. 2001c. Review of L’Europe Autrement, by De Villiers, P. & Berthu, G. Modern and Contemporary France 9 (3): 395–96.
Harrison, Lisa, and Nicholas Startin. 2001. Political Research: An Introduction. London: Routledge.
Startin, Nicholas 2000. Review of Politics on the Fringe: The People, Policies, and Organisation of the French National Front, by Edward G. DeClair. Party Politics 6 (4): 524–26.
Startin, Nicholas. 1999. Review of La Défaite Impossible, by Jean-Luc Mano and Guy Birenbaum. Modern and Contemporary France 7 (2): 258–59.