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Books [APA 10.2]

Author Date Title Source
Publisher information DOI or URL

Author, A.

Author, A., & Author, B. B.

Editor, E. E. (Ed.).

Editor, E., & Editor, F. F. (Eds.).




Title of book.

Title of book (2nd. ed.).

Title of book [Audiobook].

Publisher name.


Examples - Authored Book

 Reference Entry

Herzfeld, M. (2009). Evicted from eternity: The restructuring of modern Rome. University of Chicago Press.


Corresponding In-Text Citations

Parenthetical citation: (Herzfeld, 2009)

Narrative citation: Herzfeld (2009)

Do not include database information for works obtained from academic research databases (i.e. JSTOR, Academic Search Premier, etc.).

For ebooks, do not include format, platform, or device (e.g. Kindle) in the reference entry. Do not when the work is an audiobook when the content is different.

Examples - Edited Book

 Reference Entry

Stöpel, M., Piotto, L., Goodman, X., & Godbey, S. (Eds.). (2020). Faculty-librarian collaborations: Integrating the information literacy framework into disciplinary courses. Association of College and Research Libraries..


Corresponding In-Text Citations

Parenthetical citation: (Stöpel et al., 2020)

Narrative citation: Stöpel et al. (2009)

Edited Book Chapters and Entries in Reference Works [APA 10.3]

Chapter author Date Chapter title Source
Edited book information DOI or URL

Author, A.

Author, A., & Author, B. B.




Title of chapter.

In E. E. Editor (Ed.), Title of book (pp 7-18). Publisher name.

In E. E. Editor & F. F. Editor (Eds.), Title of book (3rd ed., pp. 250-258). Publisher name.


Examples - Chapter in an Edited Book

 Reference Entry

Davis, K. (2011). The urbanization of the human population. In R. T. LeGates, & F. Stout (Eds.), The city reader (pp. 25-34). Routledge.


Corresponding In-Text Citations

Parenthetical citation: (Davis, 2011)

Narrative citation: Davis (2011)

Do not include database information for works obtained from academic research databases (i.e. JSTOR, Academic Search Premier, etc.).

For ebooks, do not include format, platform, or device (e.g. Kindle) in the reference entry. Do not when the work is an audiobook when the content is different.

Examples - Entry in an Encyclopedia with Individual Author

 Reference Entry

Thomas, T. G. (2009). Active learning. In E. F. Provenzo (Ed.), Encyclopedia of the social and cultural foundations of education. Sage Publications.


Corresponding In-Text Citations

Parenthetical citation: (Thomas, 2009)

Narrative citation: Thomas (2009)

Do not include database information for works obtained from academic research databases (i.e. JSTOR, Academic Search Premier, etc.).

Examples - Entry in an Encyclopedia with No Author

 Reference Entry

Full service schools. (2018). In A. Sacks (Ed.), Special education: A reference book for policy and curriculum development (3rd ed.). Grey House Publishing.


Corresponding In-Text Citations

Parenthetical citation: ("Full Service Schools", 2018)

Narrative citation: "Full Service Schools" (2018)

Do not include database information for works obtained from academic research databases (i.e. JSTOR, Academic Search Premier, etc.).

Examples - Wikipedia Entry

 Reference Entry

Modern family. (2021, September 5). In Wikipedia.


Corresponding In-Text Citations

Parenthetical citation: ("Modern Family", 2021)

Narrative citation: "Modern Family" (2021)

Do not include database information for works obtained from academic research databases (i.e. JSTOR, Academic Search Premier, etc.).

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