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 ID cards and Library Accounts


JCU ID are issued by the Tiber Front Office and they are used to access all library services.

The barcode printed on the card enables users to access their personal library account, where they can store bibliographic lists, check their loans, and posts requests for items to be put on hold.

 How to access your library account

  Book Orders



Faculty can suggest items to be purchased for their courses (mail to: Library orders are entered in the on-line catalog and can be searched by title or general keyword.

The following status types will appear in the Copy/Holding information:

  • On order: the book was ordered but has not yet arrived
  • Not available (without any due date): the book is almost ready on the shelf.
  • Available: the book is ready to be checked out.

Books ordered by faculty members will be placed on hold for a 5 days period before being shelved in the collection. Books on hold can be picked up at the Welcome Desk.

 Reserve Books



The purpose of the Reserve Collection is to provide fair, accurate and timely access to materials that are required course work for students. Therefore, the preferred format for the collection is electronic (it enables 24/7 availability), with a multi-user license (which allows simultaneous usage).

Print reserve materials are available to students for a three-hour period in the Library. Three-day loans can be set by the Welcome Desk Staff upon faculty request.

Each course session the Library purchases and places on reserve all the recommended and required readings listed in faculty online syllabi. Course textbooks, according to the standard practices, are not purchased: the Library carries instead donations and personal copies. If for particular reasons Professors need to include a textbook in the reserve collection, they should talk with the Welcome Desk Staff or the Head Librarian.

To place on reserve required and recommended readings, Professors are only required to follow the Dean’s Office deadlines and timely fill in the dedicated section of their online syllabi. An automatic list will be generated and delivered to the Library. Successive additions and modifications are always possible and must be communicated to the Welcome Desk Staff.

Items in the reserve collection must be copyright compliant. Photocopies cannot be included.

Requests for items to be placed on Reserve can be sent to

 Reference and Instruction Services



The Library provides a broad array of instructional services to faculty and students. Reference services are available from Monday to Friday from 9:00 AM to 7 PM. 

The Frohring Library encourages professors to request library instruction sessions and to make use of the library staff, tools, and resources to support their classes.

Professors can plan course-related library instruction on specific topics such as:

  • overview of library resources
  • searching the library catalog and databases
  • evaluating sources
  • citing, plagiarism, and copyright issues


Library instruction can be designed in several formats:

  • tailored search instruction session (40 to 75 minutes)
  • worskhops
  • online course guides
  • web-based tutorials embedded on Moodle (learning management system)
  • orientation tours and presentations


Professors can request library instruction by contacting the Reference Librarians:

Michele Cogliano - Liaison for Business Administration, Economics, History and Humanities, Psychological and Social Sciences 

Manlio Perugini - Liaison for Humanistic Studies, Communications, and Mathematics and Natural Sciences

Nicoletta Romano - Liaison for Art and Design, English Language and Literature, Modern Languages and Literature, Political Science and International Affairs


  Interlibrary Loans



Interlibrary loans and document delivery services are available for free to all Faculty members when they need to access items (books and articles) that are not owned by the Library.

For more information about posting requests, notifications and service timing, consult the page on How to get items from other libraries.

Items received as interlibrary loans or document delivery are available to be picked up at the Welcome Desk.