The collection includes the types of publications that are normally used to get background information, find brief factual data or select other published sources and it is supplemented by on-line resources, which are now the preferred format (compatibly with the cost). The collection intensity level is 1.
The subject research guides published on the Library web pages provide an overview of the most important resources available for each discipline.
The Frohring Library has established a special collection to host textbooks, usually not purchased by academic libraries. Difficulties in speedy delivery for the Italian market make this kind of purchases sometimes necessary. Works are included in the Textbook Collection when
The Textbook Collection is mainly developed through donations from faculty and students. Purchases are made only exceptionally for very expensive or otherwise unavailable texts, upon Faculty explicit request, when the textbook has earned a reputation as a classic in its field, in which case it will be included in the MAIN collection, or when a textbook is the only or best source of information on a particular topic. The collection is subject to intense weeding.
The collection includes over 2,000 items acquired upon individual faculty request to support teaching, as well as other presentations or events.
The Frohring Library aims to preserve and disseminate the academic output of John Cabot University, including
The most important historical documents of the University, like catalogs and yearbooks, and in addition the paper versions of the students’ newspapers are preserved as well.