These pages include a synthesis of the Frohring Library collection development policy, aiming at providing shared guidelines for the selection, evaluation, and maintenance of the resources collected in the library, as well as for facilitating resource sharing.
The Library serves primarily a multicultural body of undergraduate students. Other members of the University community (graduate students, faculty, staff, and alumni) as well as researchers and scholars from affiliated academic institutions, high school students, and guests are welcome to use its resources.
The Frohring Library provides access to one of the largest English language undergraduate academic collections available in Italy. The highest priority in the selection of materials is given to the disciplines taught at the University, and in particular to the established degree programs. The purchase of highly specialized materials required primarily for the personal research needs of individual faculty members cannot be provided. The Library responds to these needs through resource sharing agreements, inter-library loan and document delivery services.
In accordance with the American Library Association’s Library Bill of Rights, the Frohring Library acquires materials representing a wide variety of viewpoints. No materials will be excluded from consideration for purchase because of the race, nationality, political, moral or religious views of their authors.
The Library is committed to protecting the privacy of its patrons, whose names won’t be shared with a third party without their permission.
The Library complies with Italian copyright laws.