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Humanistic Studies: RL 221 The Popes of Rome

Subjects in the Library Catalogue

Try to make the most out of the subject headings in the library catalogs.
Some examples of official subject headings are listed below:

Selected Websites with Primary Sources

Browse the Shelves!

Most of the books on religions can be found on the shelves in the B section. Books about Catholicism can be found between the BX800 and BX4795
The Frohring Library follows the Library of Congress Classification System.


You can browse the following sections to find works on specific subjects:

BX940-1745: History

BX1746-1755: Theology. Doctrine. Dogmatics

BX1790-1793: Catholic Church and the state

BX2200-2292: Sacraments

BX2325-2333: Saints. Hagiology

BX2400-4563: Monasticism. Religious orders

BX4700: Saints


REFERENCE COLLECTION (currently in Aurelian Wing)
The reference collection can be read within the library and offers a variety of reference resources (like Dictionaries or Encyclopedias)
Here are some examples of some of our reference resources currently available:

Find Journals

Can't Find It @ JCU?

For materials that are not available via the Frohring Library, you can submit an interlibrary loan request and ask for a copy of the item to be sent here.

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