Last Name, First Name, dir. Title of Video. Year of Original Production; City of Publication: Producer, Year of Publication. Medium.
Hitchcock, Alfred, dir. The Birds. 1963; Universal City, CA: Universal Studios, 2001. DVD.
For more information, see also the related paragraph on the manual (§ 14.265).
Last Name, First Name. Title of Video. Title of Website*, Date of Publication. Format, Duration. URL
*The title of a website is set in italics only if and when the online work has a corresponding print version.
Visual Cultures Goldsmiths. "Kodwo Eshun: Mark Fisher Memorial Lecture." YouTube, February 6, 2018. Video, 55:16.
For more information, see also the related paragraphs on the manual (§ 14.267-268).
Reviewer's Last Name, First Name. "Title of Review." Review of Title of Book, by Author's First Name Last Name. Title of Source, Publication Data. doi:xxxx / http://xxxxx / Database Title.
Reviewer's Last Name, First Name. Review of Title of Book, by Author's First Name Last Name. Title of Source, Publication Data. doi:xxxx / http://xxxxx / Database Title.
*Title of Source. Unsigned review of Title of Book, by Author's First Name Last Name. Publication Data. doi:xxxx / http://xxxxx / Database Title.
*If the review is not signed it will be listed in the bibliography under the publication title.
Dillon, Brian. “The Art of Noise.” Review of Re-make/Re-model: Art, Pop, Fashion and the Making of Roxy Music, 1952-1972, by Michael Bracewell. New Statesman 136, no. 4865 (October 8, 2007): 57.
Feustle, Maristella. Review of After Django: Making Jazz in Postwar France, by Tom Perchard. Notes 73, no. 1 (2016): 104-106.
Atheneum. Unsigned review of Orley Farm, by Anthony Trollope. October 17, 1863: 492-494.
Legal sources are always cited only in the notes with the format given by The Bluebook: A Uniform System of Citation.
You should always try to avoid using indirect sources (sources that include other references you are interested in), and locate the original source instead. When the original work is not available (i.e. out of print), you have to include publication information for the original source, followed by "quoted in," and publication information for the source from which you got the information.
Last Name, First Name. Title of Book, page #. City of Publication: Publisher, Year of Publication. Quoted in First name Last Name, "Title of Article," Title of Periodical vol.#, no. of issue (Year of Publication): pp-pp.
Stroll, M. Symbols of Power: The Papacy following the Investiture Contest, 73. Leiden: Brill, 1991. Quoted in Anne Derbes, “Crusading Ideology and the Frescoes of S. Maria in Cosmedin,” The Art Bulletin 77, no. 3 (1995): 461.
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