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FIN 360 Mergers and Acquisitions: Ask for Help

Reference Help

The Reference Librarians will be available in the Library to help patrons with their questions, to assist them in their research, and to provide instruction on library resources and research techniques.

Reference help is available from Monday to Friday from 9:00 AM to 7:00 PM.



In-person interactions are welcome both as walk-ins and as scheduled appointments. All appointments will take place at the Reference Desks, located in the Aurelian Wing, the Upper Reading Room, and the Reference Office of the Frohring Library.


 Make an appointment

A variety of reference appointments can be scheduled with one of the Reference Librarians. You can use the booking system to choose the type and length of appointment, the day and time, and the Reference Librarian.

Appointments will be available remotely only via Microsoft Teams and they are all set to Rome time zone.



  Ask a Librarian

Connect quickly for synchronous help via Microsoft Teams. All JCU users have access to Teams and you can find instructions on how to access it on the tutorial prepared by the IT staff.

To initiate a chat with a Reference Librarian type the name of the librarian you would like to get in touch with, or click on their names:


If you don't receive a prompt answer, you will be contacted by the librarians as soon as they are available. 


You can also connect with one of the librarians via the chat that you will find on the Library Website and on JCU Discovery. If you don't receive a prompt answer or if no one is online, leave your email address and you will be contacted by us.


You can get in touch with the Reference Librarians by calling the main Library phone number:

+39 06 681-91239 

or by calling one of the reference desks directly:

+39 06 681-91242

+39 06 681-91260 



Send us your requests by email at any time. You will receive a response as soon as we get your message. The Reference Librarians will do their best to answer your messages as quickly as they can.