Nexis Uni provides a comprehensive spectrum of over 11,000 full text sources, between law, business, and news.
From the LexisNexis home page, type in the name of a company in the Get Company Info box.
Form more options, you can click on Company Dossier or you can select International Companies from the left side menu, and then select Find a Company.
If the result is a list of companies (there can be both public and private companies, parent and subsidiaries), select the one you are interested in and you will access a page with a snapshot of the company, including business description, stock quotes and financials:
On the left side of the screen you can access a wide variety of reports about the chosen company, including general and business news.
Under the Financials section you can click on Mergers and Acquisitions, and then you can click on Mergers to get brief reports about the company’s M&As.
Another way to access M&A data is to click on Sources on the left side blue menu, and then click on International:
Here you access the directory of all the sources included in LexisNexis. You can open the Companies and Organizations folder
And then the M&A reports subfolder
You will get the full list of the M&A sources included in Lexis, and you can select as many as you want to start a search. You can select one of the group sources to launch a broader search among various sources, or you can select a specific source such as Mergestat M&A Database (by clicking on the information icon you can get details about the single source, the content included, how the data are aggregated and a sample document.