Bloomberg Professional Service provides in-depth company profiles, real-time news, current and historical financial and industrial data, U.S. and international economic indicators, and quotes and technical analysis on U.S. and international securities.
Both Bloomberg Terminals are currently located in the Learning Hall.
The two workstations must be booked online. Use of Bloomberg Terminals is for JCU Faculty, Staff, Students and Alumni.
The terminals might not be available due to scheduled sessions in the Learning Hall. Check with the Library Staff for availability of the room.
Double click on the Bloomberg desktop icon, then press Enter or <Go> to get started.
Having a Bloomberg account allows you to personalize your monitors and charts, and to save personal settings.
1.Select the Create New Login option below the username and password fields.
2. Follow the instructions to set up the account.
Work and mobile numbers can be the same.
3. Select the email option to receive the confirmation number that you will need to enter to activate your account.
You will need this login credentials every time you want to use a Bloomberg terminal.
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