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profile-icon Manlio Perugini


Don't miss the opportunity to learn new skills in the workshops offered this week by the Library. Learn about citation manager Zotero to better manage your sources. We also have workshops on company and industry research, part of the Business Series. Check the calendar and choose the workshop that best fits your interest!.

Reserve your seat on the Library website or by clicking on the buttons below:


Using Zotero Citation Manager - Part 1


Company Research


Industry Research

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profile-icon Livia Piotto

statista Statista, our statistics database, has a new feature: Business Plan Export.


Just to be absolutely clear: Business Plan Export does not deliver a business plan!  It does, however, gather secondary data that you might need when creating such a plan (or for many other purposes) and make it very simple to download with just a few clicks.



You can easily access Business Plan Export by clicking on Expert Tools, then on Business Plan Export, then on Start Data Export.

business plan export


The data will be exported in an excel file. The file consists of the following pages:

  • Data: You can find the raw data based on your selection here
  • Market: With a couple of mouse clicks, a concise market analysis can be displayed on this page 
  • Profit & loss statement: You can model your business case here if necessary
  • Comparison: In this section, your modelled P&L statement will be compared to the market

The excel workbook isn't perfect and it might be a bit complicated to understand at first, but the tool still remains a time saver if you are preparing a business plan.

For more information, get in touch with the Reference Librarians at



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