Hybrid Pedagogy has recently published four books about hybrid teaching and pedagogy practices. All books "experiment with form as well as content, presenting open-access options for all titles and in many cases texts that reflect their formats as much as their contexts."
The MLA International Bibliography with Full Text combines the definitive index for the study of language, literature, linguistics, rhetoric and composition, folklore, and film with full text for more than 1,000 journals, including many of the leading publications in these fields. Produced by the Modern Language Association (MLA) and international in scope, the bibliography covers scholarly publications from the early 20th century to the present, including journal articles, books, articles in books, series, translations, scholarly editions, websites, and dissertations. The database also includes the MLA Directory of Periodicals and the MLA Thesaurus, a proprietary, searchable collection of thousands of subject terms, and personal names used in indexing the bibliography.
Access to the database will last until June 30, 2021.
For questions and assistance, do not hesitate to get in touch with the Reference Librarians at referenceservices@johncabot.edu.