Library News

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profile-icon Giovanna Contigiani
No Subjects


The Frohring Library has now access to a new collection.
Bloomsbury Collections delivers access to eBook collections across the humanities and social sciences.

The Library makes available the collection for “Film and Media Studies”.

Within this collection our library has access to the following titles:

  • Psychoanalytic Film Theory and The Rules of the Game
  • Critical Race Theory and Bamboozled
  • Fredric Jameson and The Wolf of Wall Street
  • Feminist Film Theory and Cléo from 5 to 7
  • Feminist Film Theory and Pretty Woman
  • Postmodern Theory and Blade Runner
  • Animation – Process, Cognition and Actuality
  • Queer Theory and Brokeback Mountain

    You can filter through "Refine results by Access" selecting "Purchased/Open access", then search by keyword:

    For questions and assistance, do not hesitate to get in touch with the Reference Librarians at

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profile-icon Livia Piotto

statista Statista, our statistics database, has a new feature: Business Plan Export.


Just to be absolutely clear: Business Plan Export does not deliver a business plan!  It does, however, gather secondary data that you might need when creating such a plan (or for many other purposes) and make it very simple to download with just a few clicks.



You can easily access Business Plan Export by clicking on Expert Tools, then on Business Plan Export, then on Start Data Export.

business plan export


The data will be exported in an excel file. The file consists of the following pages:

  • Data: You can find the raw data based on your selection here
  • Market: With a couple of mouse clicks, a concise market analysis can be displayed on this page 
  • Profit & loss statement: You can model your business case here if necessary
  • Comparison: In this section, your modelled P&L statement will be compared to the market

The excel workbook isn't perfect and it might be a bit complicated to understand at first, but the tool still remains a time saver if you are preparing a business plan.

For more information, get in touch with the Reference Librarians at



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profile-icon Giovanna Contigiani
No Subjects


The Frohring Library is pleased to announce a trial access to SAGE Journals platform and Sage Research Methods.
The trial will be active until May 31, 2019.


The SAGE Journals platform delivers 1,000+ journals with full text archives and advanced research tools, available both on journal websites and a unified portal. Backfile packages increase your journal access.

The database includes different subject areas:

  • Health Sciences 
  • Social Sciences & Humanities 
  • Material Sciences & Engineering 
  • Life & Biomedical Sciences

Frontfile Subscription Includes current content, with complementary access back to 1999 while the subscription is maintained.
Backfile Package Content ownership, with access from 1998 to volume 1, issue 1 (where available).

SAGE Research Methods contains more than 1000 books, reference works, journal articles, and instructional videos. The site is designed to guide users to the content they need to learn a little or a lot about their method. The Methods Map can help those less familiar with research methods to find the best technique to use in their research.



SAGE Research Methods - Books and Reference:
contains a huge number of SAGE's books and reference content on the subject of Research Methods. This includes the Little Green Books, aka the Quantitative Applications in the Social Sciences series, as well as Little Blue Books, Handbooks and Major Works. The Reference works include class dictionaries and encyclopedias. In addition to this it provides a group of videos with some of the top research methods scholars in the world. 

SAGE Research Methods Cases:
are stories of how real research projects were conducted. The collection provides more than 500 case studies, showing the challenges and successes of doing research, written by the researchers themselves. They explain why the researchers chose the methods they did, how they overcame problems in their research and what they might have done differently with hindsight: the realities of research that are missing from journal articles and textbooks. Cases are peer-reviewed and come with pedagogical tools including learning objectives and discussions questions. They can be used as a teaching tool to demonstrate a particular method and how it is applied in real research, or as inspiration to students who are preparing for their own research project.

SAGE Research Methods Datasets:
is a collection of teaching datasets and instructional guides that give students a chance to learn data analysis by practicing themselves. This bank of topical, engaging practice datasets, indexed by method and data type, are optimized to use in classroom exercises or in exam papers, saving faculty members hours spent sourcing and cleaning data themselves. 

SAGE Research Methods Video:
contains more than 120 hours of video, including tutorials, case study videos, expert interviews, and more, covering the entire research methods and statistics curriculum. 


For questions and assistance, do not hesitate to get in touch with the Reference Librarians at


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