Library News

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profile-icon Livia Piotto
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books and shells


During Summer II the Library will observe the following opening hours:

Monday-Friday 8:00 am - 8:45 pm
Saturday and Sunday 12:00 pm - 6:45 pm


For changes and updates check the calendar on the Library home page.

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profile-icon Livia Piotto
No Subjects



The free e-book that University of Chicago Press make available for June is Philip Sparrow Tells All: Lost Essays by Samuel Steward, Writer, Professor, Tattoo Artist by Samuel Steward, an English professor, a tattoo artist for Hells Angels, a sexual adventurer who shared the considerable scope of his encounters with Alfred Kinsey, and a prolific writer of everything from scholarly articles to gay erotica. This month's e-book uncovers Steward’s eclectic essays published in the late 1940s in an unlikely venue, the Illinois Dental Journal.




Get your complimentary copy!

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